How to talk about climate change in a way that makes a difference | Foresight Dialogues | Rebecca Huntley

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Foresight Dialogues
12 April 2023 | 12 pm CEST  |  8 pm AEST

Rebecca Huntley, Writer and Director of Research at 89 Degrees East

Alessandra Mazzai, CMCC 

Climate change is no longer a topic just for scientists. As citizens’ awareness keeps raising, the biggest challenge is now to make it become action, and rapidly. How do people feel, think and act when it comes to climate change? How can communication be tailored to motivate action? 

Rebecca Huntley, one of Australia’s foremost researchers on social trends, will shed light on current available knowledge on climate change communication, drawing on disciplines such as sociology, psychology, evolutionary psychology and social trend research. 

She will show examples from the case of Australia, including the analysis of how the broad climate movement, using The Climate Compass audience segmentation, helped create the conditions for the 2022 Climate Election by focusing on messages capable of leveraging a more urgent climate action.

“How to talk about climate change in a way that makes a difference” is the first in a series of online events labelled Foresight Dialogues in which writers, artists, journalists, scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs discuss the role of communication, in its various forms, in accelerating the climate transition. The Foresight Dialogues series is organised in the context of the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra” initiative. 

Rebecca Huntley

Dr Rebecca Huntley is one of Australia’s foremost researchers on social trends.  She holds degrees in law and film studies and a PhD in Gender Studies.  She has led research at Essential Media and Vox Populi and was a director at Ipsos Australia. For a number of years, she ran her own research and consultancy firm working closely with climate and environment NGOs, government and business on climate change strategy and communication. She is now Director of Research at the agency 89DegreesEast.

She is the author of numerous books including How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way that Makes a Difference (Murdoch books, 2020). Rebecca was a broadcaster with the ABC’s RN and presented The History Listen and Drive on a Friday. She writes regularly for The Monthly and Australian Traveller Magazine and has written op eds for The Guardian and The SMH.

She is the Chair of the Advisory Board of Australian Parents for Climate Action. She is a member of the Advisory Group for the Climate Solutions Centre at the Australian Museum and the Sydney Environment Institute. She has held board positions on the board of The Bell Shakespeare Company, The Whitlam Institute and The Dusseldorp Forum.

She was an adjunct senior lecturer at the School of Social Sciences at The University of New South Wales. She is a registered Commonwealth marriage celebrant. She is the mother of three girls and lives in Sydney.


12 April 2023, 12 pm CEST | 8 pm AEST
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