GOWARE: An innovative tool for the management of the drinking water resources at European level

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CMCC Webinar |1 April, 2020 – h. 12:30 – 1:30 PM CET

Introducer: Monia Santini, CMCC Foundation, IAFES Division

Moderator: Guido Rianna, CMCC Foundation, REMHI Division

Barbara Čenčur Curk, University of Lujbljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Angela Rizzo, CMCC Foundation, REMHI Division


GOWARE (transnational Guide toward an Optimal WAterREgime) is a Decision Support Tool (DST) developed to support the decision-making process through the implementation of innovative practices for drinking water protection and the mitigation of flood and drought risk.

The aim of this webinar is to present the design and the methodological approaches proposed for the operative development of the tool, including the evaluation of the understandability of the analysis’s processes and of their acceptance by stakeholders. This decision support tool is provided with a catalogue of best management practices to handle water issues in different land use contexts, and it allows filtering a subset of best practices by accounting for the relative importance that the user assigns to each characterizing criterion.

GOWARE represents an innovative tool to support users at different levels of planning (operational and strategical) by promoting sustainable land and water management and defining long-term governance activities. Follow-up of GOWARE is ongoing in the context of the recently started TEACHER-CE project, a capitalization effort among PROLINE-CE, the Interreg project that released GOWARE, and other Interreg-CE and EU projects.

To facilitate the tailoring of GOWARE improvements to the needs of end-users, views from them are crucial, thus the Q&A session will consist in crowdsourcing and polling in real-time some feedbacks from the attendants.

Be ready with your smartphone in hand!


12:30 pm – Welcome – Monia Santini (CMCC)

12.35 pm – Intro from the moderator – Guido Rianna

12:40 pm – Presenters’ talks – Barbara Čenčur Curk, Angela Rizzo

1:10 pm – Q&A moderated by Guido Rianna

1:30 pm – End of Webinar

Working language: English

Short bio Barbara Čenčur Curk

Barbara Čenčur Curk, Ph.D., assistant professorat the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering,Department of Geology. She has over 20 years experiences in various field of hydrogeology. She startedher career at the Institute of Mining, Geotechnology and Environment, where shegained professional experiences in geological, geotechnological andhydrological investigations of landslides; various hydrogeological studies;environmental impact assessments and environmental and hydrogeological aspectsof waste disposal sites. Moreover, she was also involved in national and Europeanresearch projects concerning solute transport through the soil and unsaturatedzone of karst-fractured rock and coarse gravel aquifers. In the last 10 yearsshe was a part-time teacher at the University of Nova Gorica and University ofLjubljana, where she is now fully employed. In the last years she wascollaborating in European transnational and cross-border projects concerningwater management and climate change impacts on drinking water resources.

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Organized by

CMCC – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation


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