ARTACLIM is a cross-border research-action project with the main objective to integrate measures of adaptations to climate change in territorial programming and planning of local administrations. In the framework of ARTACLIM project, CMCC consultancy, supported by ISIRES S.r.l., concerns the elaboration of a vulnerability study of the ZOP territory on climate change.
11 months from 15/02/2019 to 31/12/2019
Funded by
Politecnico di Torino
General objectives
Elaborate, test and validate a methodology and tools facilitating the appropriation of climate changing issues by territories and the definition of a shared adaptation strategy. Provide to local authorities the appropriate tools to introduce adaptation measures and actions in the planning processes in order to increase the resilience of their territories. Develop a general methodology reproducible and transferable to other local administrations in ALCOTRA’s area and beyond.
CMCC role
Elaboration of a vulnerability study of the ZOP territory on climate change based on extreme climate indicators evaluated starting from high resolution climate models; the sectors of interest are settlement systems and tourism.
Context analysis, climate scenarios and local climate analysis to carry out a vulnerability analysis of the territory for the sectors: natural risk, settlement systems and tourism.
Expected results
Elaboration of a report concerning the analysis of the current and future climate vulnerability of the area for the selected sectors.
Partner :
Politecnico di Torino (Coordinator)
Istituto Italiano Ricerca e Sviluppo
Organismo di ricerca S.r.l.