CMCC-ICCG Summer School on Adaptation Policies and Practices in the Mediterranean Basin (MedAdapt)


Le informazioni su questa scuola sono disponibili solo in lingua inglese.

The aim of the Summer School is to offer an in-depth view of the impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean Basin and to pursue a thorough investigation of key adaptation policies and best practices, whether not yet implemented or already implemented across the region. The Summer School programme will combine physical, economic, and socio-political aspects of the Mediterranean in an interdisciplinary approach for the purpose of educating the public about the impacts of climate change. Students will also benefit from an overview of the technical instruments that enable a better understanding of the statistical models for impact and adaptation analysis.

The Summer School topics will include: climate systems and impacts in the Mediterranean basin, integrated assessment of climate change impacts, and adaptation strategies in the Mediterranean region: case studies, options and best adaptation practices.
The programme comprises lectures held by world-wide renowned professors, student presentations, consultation sessions and social events.

Info participation
The School offers a specialised study programme for doctoral and post-doctoral students from all over the world in environmental and resource economics, law, political science and engineering.
Admission is conditional on the presentation by each student of his/her doctoral or post-doctoral work.
Application is open to both European and non European citizens. Given the highly interactive activities planned at the Summer School, the number of participants is limited to 20.
There is no participation fee. All applicants can apply for a scholarship.

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Presentation of your submitted paper is conditional on acceptance to the Summer School.
All accepted students must attend the Summer School for its entire duration. The attendance is compulsory to obtain the scholarship.
Students who do not respect the stated deadlines will not be admitted.
As the School will be conducted in English, applicants should have an adequate working knowledge of that language.

Info application

In order to apply please fill in the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM.
Mandatory documents to upload are:

  • CV
  • a letter of reference from your supervisor;
  • the first draft of the paper you will present (no length constraint).

Please note that only pdf. version are accepted.

Submissions are now closed.

Summer school secretariat
Ms. Fanny Liotto
Isola San Giorgio Maggiore 8, 30124 Italy
[email protected]  |  telephone: +39 041 2700432  |  fax: +39 041 2700413  |  |

Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici  (CMCC),
CIP – Climate Impacts and Policy Division and
International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG)

MED Solutions is partner of this initiative.

Deadline for application
February 7, 2014


Valeria BARBI,
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC),
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), Italy
Topic: Best Adaptation Practices

National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
Green Growth Best Practices Initiative, USA
Topic: Best Adaptation Practices

Anthony BIGIO,
The George Washington University, USA
Topic: Adaptation strategies in the Mediterranean Region: case studies and options

Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC),
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
Topic: Adaptation policies

Raffaello CERVIGNI,
The World Bank (USA)
Topic: Adaptation strategies in the Mediterranean Region: case studies and options

Fabio EBOLI,
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC),
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), Italy
Topic: Integrated assessment of climate change impacts

Silvio GUALDI,
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC),
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
Topic: Climate systems and impacts in the Mediterranean Basin

Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC), University of Salento, Italy
Topic: Climate systems and impacts in the Mediterranean Basin

Donatella SPANO,
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC), University of Sassari, Italy
Topic: Integrated assessment of climate change impacts

Workshop and seminar:
Enrica DE CIAN, Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), Italy
Workshop: Statistical models for impact and adaptation analysis

Elisabetta MUTTO ACCORDI, communication consultant
Seminar: Communication in adaptation policy

*Elisabetta Mutto Accordi is a freelance journalist dealing with environmental issues. She holds seminars on science popularization at different universities and she works with environmental organizations as communication consultant. She runs a news column on sustainability in a national newspaper.



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