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HyMeX, a 10-year Multidisciplinary Program on the Mediterranean Water Cycle

Drobinski P., Ducrocq V., Alpert P., Anagnostou E., Béranger K., Borga M., Braud I., Chanzy A., Davolio S., Delrieu G., Estournel  C., Filali Boubrahmi  N., Font J., Grubisic V., Gualdi S., Homar V., Ivancan-Picek B., Kottmeier C., Kotroni V., Lagouvardos K., Llasat M. C. , Ludwig W., Lutoff C., Mariotti A., Richard E., Romero R., Rotunno R., Roussot O., Ruin I., Somot S., Taupier-Letage  I., Tintore J., Uijlenhoet  R., Wernli  L.
2014, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00242.1

Groundwater storage in adaptation to climate change

Baruffi F., Bisaglia M., Cappelletto M., Pasini S., Galli A., Marsala V., Scarinci A., Panelli C.,Gualdi S., Zandonella A.
2013, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management, Volume 166 Issue 9, pp. 488-500, doi: 10.1680/wama.11.00096

Two-dimensional model for overland flow simulations: A case study

Costabile P., Costanzo C., Macchione F., Mercogliano P.
2012, European Water, 38: 13-23

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