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Filtering by: Global Coastal Ocean Division

ALIENA: ALIgning Efforts to control Non-indigenous species in the Adriatic sea

Non-indigenous species (NIS) pose a significant threat to biodiversity and ecosystems globally, ranking as the second most common cause of species extinctions. Particularly in the Adriatic Sea, a hub for fishing, tourism and maritime traffic, the introduction of NIS has the potential to exacerbate ecological and economic impacts. ALIENA aims at creating a shared knowledge base and collaborative monitoring system to protect biodiversity from NIS in the Adriatic Sea. Through joint monitoring and modeling efforts focused on these species, the project seeks to develop early warning solutions essential for effective marine management, biodiversity conservation, and public health protection. Additionally, it aims to improve shared protocols for NIS detection, monitoring, and management, while also increasing stakeholders’ awareness of NIS issues.

Blue-Cloud 2026 | A federated European FAIR and Open Research Ecosystem for oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters

The Blue-Cloud 2026 project builds on the existing pilot Blue-Cloud project (Oct 2019 – Sep 2022) and it evolves its pilot Blue-Cloud ecosystem into a federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR and Open Data and analytical services instrumental for deepening research of oceans, the EU sea, coastal and inland waters. It develops a thematic marine extension to European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) for accessible web-based science, serving the needs of the EU Blue Economy, Marine Environment and Marine Knowledge agendas. 

Blue4All – Blueprint demonstration for co-created effective, efficient and resilient networks of MPAs

There is an urgent need to strengthen marine conservation and restoration globally. One of the key measures to achieve this is to ensure that enough sea area is protected in effective ways. This requires designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in different marine habitats. According to the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, 30% of Europe’s sea and land areas should be under strict protection. 

CONCEPTU MARIS – CONservation of CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles in Med: Managing Actions for their Recovery In Sustainability

The Mediterranean Sea is undergoing severe changes driven by increasing anthropogenic pressures. CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles (CEPTU hereafter) are among the most important charismatic species in the Mediterranean Sea, and crucial bioindicators of marine health conditions. However, there is a data deficiency for most taxa, which is mainly due to the fact that CEPTU species spend the majority of their life in remote offshore areas that are the most difficult to monitor because of their extent. With their offshore movements, they are exposed to multiple anthropogenic stressors, such as maritime traffic causing pollution, underwater noise, disturbance and marine litter exposing the species to a higher risk of entanglement, ingestion or toxicological effects. Entanglement in fishing-related gears also contributes to increased risks linked to the pressure of fishing in pelagic areas.

EDITO-Model Lab, Underlying models for the European DIgital Twin Ocean – EDITO-Model Lab

EDITO-Model Lab will prepare the next generation of ocean models, complementary to Copernicus Marine Service to be integrated into the EU public infrastructure of the European Digital Twin Ocean that will ensure access to required input and validation data (from EMODnet, EuroGOOS, ECMWF, Copernicus Services and Sentinels satellite observations) and to high performance and distributed computing facilities (from EuroHPC for High Performance Computing and other cloud computing resources) and that will be consolidated under developments of Destination Earth (DestinE). 

FIUMICINO project: Caratterizzazione morfodinamica e di trasporto solido, idrodinamica ed ecologica dell’unita’ fisiografica capo linaro capo d’anzio

Il progetto si inquadra in un ampio sistema di osservazione, monitoraggio ed analisi dell’ambiente marino che risponde all’esigenza di armonizzare la salvaguardia degli ecosistemi marini con una corretta gestione e sviluppo degli usi delle aree costiere. La risposta dei sistemi naturali alle variazioni generate da specifici interventi sulla costa si sovrappongono alle variazioni indotte dai trend climatici e dalle modifiche territoriali (uso del suolo, interventi sugli alvei, industrie) che avvengono nei bacini afferenti generando una sovrapposizione di effetti che modulano l’evoluzione del tratto di mare ricevente e delle coste a differenti scale spaziali e temporali. L’area di studio è dominata dalla presenza del fiume Tevere che, essendo il principale corso d’acqua dell’Italia centrale, influenza in maniera significativa il bilancio sedimentario nell’area e la distribuzione delle biocenosi. La stessa area sarà interessata da una serie di attività legate alla realizzazione di nuove infrastrutture portuali. Per poter analizzare un sistema così complesso e separare il più correttamente possibile le variazioni indotte da un’opera rispetto all’evoluzione del sistema stesso è quindi fondamentale conoscere le caratteristiche fisiche e dinamiche dell’area oggetto di studio e l’attuale stato ambientale, attraverso anche un’approfondita analisi dei principali impatti e delle pressioni che influiscono sull’intera area e gli habitat presenti. Questo progetto si pone l’obiettivo di studiare le caratteristiche fisiche, chimiche e biologiche dell’area compresa tra Capo Linaro e Capo d’Anzio, attraverso uno studio multidisciplinare che prevede l’integrazione di dati osservativi e modellistica numerica e di supportare lo sviluppo delle opere e la loro integrazione nell’area supportando la progettualità

IDEATION: InlanD watErs in the digitAl Twin OceaN

IDEATION (InlanD watErs in the digitAl Twin OceaN) is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme. IDEATION is based on a cross-border cooperation, involvement, and commitment of stakeholders at European level by following the Water-oriented Living Labs (WoLLs) approach. Stakeholders will be engaged via Multi-Stakeholder Forums (MSF), using a range of different engagement methodologies (e.g., focus groups, workshops, interviews, questionnaires) depending on goals of the engagement and specificities of the context. A comprehensive review will be performed to make an open knowledge inventory for inland water systems (OpenKIWAS). IDEATION will co-design the IDEATION reference architecture defining a set of building blocks, interfaces and standards to make data, models and technologies interoperable and integrable with the Digital Twin Ocean (DTO). Putting together all the results from the MSF, OpenKIWAS, and the IDEATION reference architecture, a roadmap for the integration of inland waters in the Digital Twin Ocean will be created providing a preliminary breakdown of the work, with priorities of implementation, into a stepped approach.

LIFE21-IPC-IT-LIFE CLIMAX PO | CLIMate Adaptation for the PO river basin district

CLIMAX PO is a project funded by a LIFE grant of the European Commission. CLIMAX PO brings together most national and regional and some of the local authorities playing a role in implementing the Italian strategy on adaptation in the Po River Basin, an area of 74.000 km2 , with 3.200 local authorities, 16 million inhabitant and generating 40% of the Italian GDP.  CLIMAX PO is led by the National Po River Basin District Authority (ADBPO) chaired directly by the Italian Minister for the Environment and responsible for the implementation of the NAS at district level. The consortium covers the whole geographical river basin, all levels of Governance (National, Regional, Local) and necessary competences with 3 major research institutes on board.            

MISSION: MaritIme juSt in time optimiSatION Interoperable Port Call and Voyage Optimization tool

The MISSION project will eliminate bottlenecks of the overall maritime supply chain creating significant economic advantages for direct stakeholders and environmental benefits for society. By enabling collaboration among stakeholders and allowing ship schedules to be synchronised, ship operations and port services will be optimised, thus enhancing the efficiency of maritime operations and reducing the fuel consumption and GHG emissions. The project will demonstrate the benefits and challenges of MISSION specifically for three shipping segments, Tramp (bulk and tanker) RoRo, and container ship traffic, connecting ports in the European seas of Spain, Italy, Greece and Lithuania. MISSION’s port call optimisation and end-to-end orchestration of different traffic types will be built on data sharing platforms, with reference to harmonised standards and provide application programming interfaces for interoperability.

NECCTON- New Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networks

The ocean’s biodiversity supports the livelihoods of over three billion people, providing vital services, including food and nutrient cycling. However marine policy and resource management do not yet consider the latest scientific advances, even when the state-of- the-art operational models of the European Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) are used. The project’s objective is to enable CMEMS to deliver novel products that inform marine biodiversity conservation and food resources management, by fusing new data into innovative ecosystem models that integrate biological and abiotic components, habitats, and stressors of marine ecosystems. NECCTON will inter-link new models in the CMEMS systems, thus building novel capacities to simulate higher-trophic-levels, benthic habitats, pollutants, and deliver projections of climate change impacts. We will develop and exploit new data-processing chains, supporting CMEMS’ use of novel ecosystem observations, including new hyperspectral data from satellites, as well as available acoustic, pollution and omics data. We will fuse these new data and models by using innovative machine-learning algorithms to improve models and data assimilation methods. These developments will be applied in thirteen case studies, co-designed with fisheries and conservation managers as part of our pathway-to-impact, resulting in the demonstration of Technological Readiness Level 6 of NECCTON products. The project objectives will be achieved by a team of twenty-three world-class organizations with track records for all the key project components. It includes the CMEMS Entrusted Entity and core developers, who will promote the final uptake of NECCTON by CMEMS. On project completion, NECCTON will provide CMEMS with the scientific and technical

PHAROS: Lighthouse for Atlantic and Arctic Basin

PHAROS is an EU-funded project, led by the Canary Islands Ocean Platform (PLOCAN), and implemented by a consortium of 24 organizations, which aims to provide nature-based solutions for restoring ecosystems and biodiversity while tackling climate change and human impacts in the Atlantic and Arctic maritime regions. These goals align with the European Union’s ambitious Ocean Mission objectives. The PHAROS project aligns with the European Union’s Ocean Mission by focusing on protecting and restoring marine ecosystems and biodiversity, eliminating pollution, and achieving a sustainable, carbon-neutral, and circular blue economy by 2030.

PNRR-HPC – “SPOKE 4 EARTH & CLIMATE”: National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing

Within Spoke 4, the scientific activity of CMCC, and of the Spoke affiliated partners, will be mainly aimed at developing a shared interdisciplinary framework for advanced Earth System Models and numerical experimentations. The framework will be focused on digital infrastructures and efficient workflows to streamline the production, facilitate the training, accelerate the understanding, and improve the quality of climate simulations and predictions.

RENOVATE: Approccio Ecosistemico alla Valutazione e Sperimentazione di Azioni di Compensazione e Mitigazione in Ambiente Marino: il caso dell’Hub Portuale di Civitavecchia

RENOVATE è un progetto sperimentale innovativo che ha come obiettivo principale il recupero delle funzioni e dei servizi ecosistemici marini impattati dall’espansione dell’Hub Portuale di Civitavecchia ivi inclusa la sperimentazione di interventi di restauro e mitigazione dell’habitat prioritario 1120* e di alcune biocenosi dell’habitat 1170, e di due specie di elevata rilevanza naturalistica ed ecologica: il Corallium rubrum e la Pinna nobilis.  RENOVATE è il più ambizioso progetto di “marine habitat restoration” realizzato in Italia e probabilmente in Europa, prevedendo una serie di interventi basati su un approccio innovativo, olistico, volto al conseguimento degli obiettivi di recupero nel medio/lungo termine della funzionalità di habitat e specie impattati, equivalenti a quanto perduto dall’espansione dell’Hub Portuale. RENOVATE è un progetto che andrà a rappresentare lo stato dell’arte in termini di innovazione scientifica e tecnologica e pone quindi in posizione centrale l’applicazione dei più moderni criteri scientifici utilizzati a livello internazionale con particolare riferimento all’approccio ecosistemico ed alle Nature Based Solutions.

Space it Up!

SPACE IT UP è un programma che mira a potenziare la tecnologia spaziale italiana da utilizzare per l’esplorazione e lo sfruttamento dello spazio a beneficio del pianeta Terra e dell’intera umanità. Un partenariato di progetto esteso favorirà le sinergie tra accademia, industria e centri di ricerca per avere un forte impatto sul settore spaziale italiano e perseguire i seguenti obiettivi principali: -Promuovere l’innovazione ed estendere le conoscenze fondamentali; -Promuovere un futuro sostenibile; -Assicurare la permanenza umana a lungo termine nello spazio extraterrestre; -Rafforzare l’“Ecosistema” spaziale in Italia.

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