TRITON – Development of management Tools and diRectives for immediate protection of bIodiversity in coasTal areas affected by sea erOsion and establishment of appropriate eNvironmental control systems

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TRITON – Development of management Tools and diRectives for immediate protection of bIodiversity in coasTal areas affected by sea erOsion and establishment of appropriate eNvironmental control systems

Through an integrated set of actions based on research, capacity building and training Triton seeks to propose and support the adoption of common Cross Border Operational Plan for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Italy and Greece.
By improving the predictive and scenario-analysis capacity, the project will help to forecast future coastal erosion trends and risks, building a robust knowledge base for decision-making on coastline management on both sides of Adriatic-Ionian Sea.

24 months from 16/04/2018 to 15/10/2020

Coordinating organization
  • Regione Puglia

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

Triton’s overall objective is to reduce the consequences of coastal erosion by improving the integration of coastal zone policies within broader spatial planning and socio-economic policies in Greece and Italy. Specific objectives of the project, are:

1) to increase the cost-effectiveness of decisions made in the field of coastline management;

2) to reduce and optimise the expenditure for coastal data production and processing through common GIS/SIT web based tools;

3) to support a wider diffusion of better integration of coastal erosion concerns in planning and investment decisions, through the adoption of Environmental Assessment instruments in every intervention proposed either by the public or private sector;

4) transfer of knowledge from the public sector to direct beneficiaries and investors to balance the impact, cost and risk of human induced coastal erosion;

5) assessment of common monitoring methodologies and mapping of risk tools to be incorporated into planning and investment policies for mid- and long term period;

6) Support the municipalities and operators in fund raising and access to EIB/EIF/EASME programme.


CMCC will contribute to the application of decision support tools and risk-based methodologies for coastal erosion assessment and management in the Pilot case of the Apulia coastline.

Expected results
  • Gradual improvement in the effectiveness of instruments for integrated spatial planning and coastline management in the areas of intervention;
  • Improved dialogue between the authorities of the participating countries Greece and Italy and cooperation during the project’s cycle and beyond, thus enabling better adjustment of the legal and spatial planning instruments;
  • Enhanced public awareness and involvement in coastline management issues for Public and Private Entities as well as Citizens;
  • Capacity Building of the administrations of both Regional Authorities as well as of Stakeholders from civil society and private sector;
  • Networking of regional/local authorities’ administration officials, of universities and research centers and civil society. Stakeholders in the two countries and beyond allowing further use of the results and their extension after the completion of the project;
  • A long-term contribution to a sustainable local business environment through better protection of the coastline from erosion.

  • WP1: Management
  • WP2: Communication
  • WP3: Mapping
  • WP4: Pilot cases
  • WP5: Training activities

  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • Region of Western Greece
  • EGTC Efxini Poli – Network of European Cities for Sustainable Development
  • University of Patras

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