RECEIPT project develops and implements a novel stakeholder driven storytelling concept that maps representative connections between European socio-economic activities and remote climatic hazards, in order to provide relevant and quantitative information on the European risks from remote global climatic features.
General objectives
RECEIPT has the following key objectives:
- Mapping of global hotspots of remote areas with climate features relevant for Europe, using state-of- the-art climate and climate-impact databases;
- Science-based sectoral storylines co-developed with societal partners, describing the impacts of remote climate change on: European food security, the financial sector, international development, commodities and European coastal infrastructure;
- Assessment of European socio-economic impacts along each of the selected storylines under different future climatic conditions, including high-end climate scenarios;
- A robust synthesis of the storyline results into a pan-European socioeconomic risk assessment focusing on the difference between high-end and moderate climate change conditions;
- Innovative web-based concepts for visualizing potential impacts of remote drivers and mapping risk mitigation options.
CMCC role
WP5 leadership, WP8 co-leadership CMCC leads the WP5 – International cooperation and development, focusing on EU external actions
- Storylines development – plausible scenarios of Europe can be affected by climate change impacts materialized outside of the EU.
- Sectoral risk assessment – analysis of remote affects of climate change and their propagation through agricultural import/export, food security, international trade, impaired coastal infrastructure.
Expected results
- Better understanding of how the EU is exposed to remote climate change, improved climate risk assessment and policy recommendations how to counteract these risks,
- Improved risk assessment and management tools such as INFORM Risk index used to inform EU internal and external policies
- Stichting VU, NL
- Stichting Netherlands Escience Center, NL
- Internationales Institut Fuer Angewandte Systemanalyse, AT
- Potsdam Institut Fuer Klimafolgenforschung, DE
- Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich, CH
- Universitaet Bern, CH
- R2 Water, NL
- Arctik Sprl, BE
- Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, IT
- The University of Reading, UK
- CICERO Senter Klimaforskning Stiftelse, NO
- Stichting Solidaridad, NL
- CASE – Centrum Analiz Spoleczno- Ekonomicznych- Fundacja Naukowa, PL
- Sayers and Partners LLP, UK
- University of Leeds, UK
- Stichting International Red Cross Red Crescent Centre On Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness, NL