PNRR-HPC – “SPOKE 4 EARTH & CLIMATE”: National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing

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PNRR-HPC – “SPOKE 4 EARTH & CLIMATE”: National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing

Within Spoke 4, the scientific activity of CMCC, and of the Spoke affiliated partners, will be mainly aimed at developing a shared interdisciplinary framework for advanced Earth System Models and numerical experimentations. The framework will be focused on digital infrastructures and efficient workflows to streamline the production, facilitate the training, accelerate the understanding, and improve the quality of climate simulations and predictions.

General aims

The goal of CMCC, and of the Spoke affiliated partners, is to create an interdisciplinary framework that integrates components of the most advanced Earth System models This will allow to provide the Italian climate scientific community with flexible, reliable and powerful numerical tools, which, in turn, will be used to produce usable and scientifically robust climate related information and data to sustain national users and stakeholders in their decision-making processes. 

CMCC role
CMCC participates in:
Milestones: M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8-M9-M10
Work Packages: WP0-WP1-WP2-WP3-WP4-WP5

In coherence and synergy with the European strategic agenda of Horizon Europe, Copernicus, Destination Earth, and “A European Strategy for Data,” the activities will include (but not be limited to): 
– developing, optimizing and sharing of components and parameterizations for a new generation of high-resolution ESMs, made possible by the vast IT infrastructure available;
– exploitation of large observational datasets allowed by the use of the most advanced digital technologies and through the convergence of new high-performance computing methodologies, big data and artificial intelligence;
– development of end-to-end skills, including the augmentation of observations analysis and assimilation, forecasting, post-processing and data management needed to address short- and long-term climate related impacts, along with the assessment of the likelihood of high-impact and low-probability events and points of no return.

Expected results
Spoke 4 will implement an integrate digital infrastructure in the facilities, both HPC and Cloud, provided by the National Center for HPC, ICSC, which will facilitate the achievement of a number of results, such as:
– development and sharing of ESM components (e.g., models of the atmosphere, oceans, sea ice, land surface, vegetation, including interactions with the human activities, implemented in specific areas of interest);
– production and management of numerical climate simulations;
– creation of the conditions for the digital infrastructure to become a national resource available to the entire Italian community engaged in: research, training and operational activities in the field of climate forecasting and climate change.
The infrastructure therefore aspires to ensure that our country reaches and consolidates a prominent position at the forefront of climate research. 
Furthermore, a further objective is to develop technologies that will contribute to allow the Italian system to achieve the climate objectives identified by the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) for the digital and green transition.

Funded by
“Next generation Eu” and “MUR”

Coordinating organization
1) Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Fondazione CMCC)

2) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR);
3) Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (Enea);
4) Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK);
5) Università del Salento (UniSalento);
6) Università degli Studi di Trento (UniTrento).

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