Operandum – OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions

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Operandum – OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions

OPERANDUM intends to provide science-based evidence for the usability of Nature Based Solutions, NBS, locally and at wider scale, and to propose best practices for their design, upscaling and replication in Europe and other territories; identify strategic pathways for their acceptance and promotion in a multi-stakeholdership environment.

48 months from 01/07/2018 to 30/06/2022

Coordinating organization
  • UNIBO - Università di Bologna

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

Reduce hydro-meteorological risks in European territories through co-designed, co- developed, deployed, tested and demonstrated innovative green and blue/grey/hybrid Nature Based Solutions for the environmental resilience, and push business exploitation.


CMCC is involved in the work package on “Multiple impact modelling for assessment and replication” with a specific focus on the Italian Open Air Laboratory, i.e. the Po river valley OAL.

CMCC will also contruibute to the co-design and co-development of the NBSs for the Italian OAL.

Expected results

Successfully develop and apply the NBSs to the OALs and promote their use and replication

CMCC expected results:

  • Contribute to a high resolution modeling of the estuarine and the coastal sea dynamics focusing on the Italian OAL.
  • Contribute to build up present day and climate change scenarios for predicting and assessing storm surge, coastal erosion, salt wedge intrusion
  • Contribute to the design and development of the Natural based solutions planned for the Italian OAL: introduce a novel-vegetated sand dune in the complex land- marine environment of the north Emilia-Romagna coastline to reduce storm surge and related coastal erosion; install herbaceous perennial deep rooting plants as coverage of earth embankments for the mitigation of flood risk and salt wedge intrusion in the Po delta


Innovative Nature based Solutions will be designed and applied to seven OALs in Europe and two additional OALs in China and Australia, to tackle pressing issues: floods, droughts, landslides, coastal erosion and stormsurge.

Specific Activities of the CMCC:

  • Critical evaluation of risks and opportunities for the Italian OAL
  • Conceptual framework/protocols for co-design and co-development of the planned NBSs
  • Coastal erosion and storm surge modelling
  • Nutrient and sediment loading
  • Modelling of salt water intrusion

  • CIRA - Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali
  • UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • ARPAE - Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione, l'Ambiente e l'Energia dell'Emilia-Romagna
  • FMI - Ilmatieteen Laitos
  • Dublin City Council
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum FuEr Material-Und Kuestenforshung GmbH
  • Kentro Kainotomon Technologion AE
  • Luonnonvarakeskus
  • Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Perifereia Stereas Elladas
  • PNO Consultants BV
  • RINA Consulting S.p.A.
  • SWECO GmbH
  • Technische Universiteit Delft
  • The University of Hong Kong
  • University College Dublin - National
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Ireland - Dublin
  • University of Surrey
  • University of the Sunshine Coast, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth
  • Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and EngineeringResearch Institute - Chinese Academy of Sciences

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