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The IRIDE program is an innovative project undertaken by the Italian government in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) to leverage resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Phase 2 of IRIDE Lot 1 started in October 2024 following the successful implementation of the IRIDE Precursor Phase. The main purpose of the project is to deliver an operational portfolio of geospatial services and develop digital tools for End and Pilot users within the Thematic Services S1-Coastal and Marine Monitoring, S2- Air Quality, S5- Hydro-Meteorological-Climate, S6- WaterManagement. The operational services allow mapping, monitoring and forecasting of various characteristics of coastal areas (including geomorphological, land use, flooding, habitats etc.) as well as operational model validation, operational air quality monitoring and forecast, pollutant emissions monitoring and assessment, re-analysis of air quality at national scale, hydro-meterological mapping and monitoring atmospheric structure, greenhouse gases and others essential climate variables monitoring, lightening monitoring, flood forecasting and sediment management, etc.

General aims

The main objectives of IRIDE Lot 1 are to design, develop, validate, integrate and deliver all the components of IRIDE Service Segment and to identify (and interface) the external User Operational Systems where outputs of IRIDE Service Value Chains will be integrated and exploited by the end users.

The IRIDE Lot 1 project offers a structured approach to delivering geospatial services through Baseline Service Value Chains (SVCs) and Additional Service Value Chains (SVCs). Baseline SVC implementation started with the beginning of Phase 2 and additional SVC will be optionally activated by month 5. CMCC contributes to Service Segment S1-Coastal and Marine Monitoring and S5- Hydro-Meteorological-Climate for SVC.

In SVC S1-01- Coastal Monitoring and Forecast- Wide areas (Baseline) CMCC provides a Validation Tool to operationally compare ocean coastal models with EO and in-situ data. The Phase 2 Service Portfolio Evolution Plan includes, among other initiatives, the improvement of the validation tool.

The SVC S1-02- Coastal Monitoring and Forecast- Specific areas (Additional) consists of EO- and model-driven components of monitoring and forecasts of sea waves, physical oceanographic parameters on specific areas – harbours, aquaculture, off-shore platforms. The service is also designed to provide a Validation Tool to operationally compare ocean coastal models with EO and in-situ data.

The SVC S5-01- Hydro-meteorological mapping and monitoring atmospheric structure (Additional) consists of hydro-meteorological satellite-based products (e.g., validation) to support hydro-meteo, ocean monitoring and weather forecasting services and also by integrating/merging data provided by in-situ networks. The service is devided into four sub-services: S5-01a- Atmospheric re-analysis, S5-01b- Climate projection at very high resolution, S5-01c- Validation Weather Forecasting and S5-01d- Seasonal forecast.

The SVC S5-04- Lightning monitoring (Additional) uses lightning network and satellite data to generate lightning maps covering the Italian territory and enhance short-range weather forecasts.

The activities are grouped mainly into following tasks:
Task 1 – Service Portfolio Design
Task 2 – Service Segment Design
Task 3 – Service Segment development and integration
Task 4 – Service Validation and User Uptake
Task 5 – Geospatial Products Generation and Delivery
Task 6 – Benefits Assessment and Service Segment Evolution
Task 7 – Security activities
Task 8 – Management 

Expected results
Phase 2 of IRIDE Lot 1 is expected to create a robust IRIDE Marketplace platform with an operational service portfolio providing users with advanced digital tools for real-time monitoring, analysis, and decision-making. The users of the IRIDE Lot 1 project includes a diverse range of stakeholders involved in disaster management, security and environmental monitoring including but not limited to Government Agencies and Civil Protection Authorities, Environmental and Maritime Monitoring Authorities, Local and Regional Governments.


● Planetek Italia s.r.l.
● MEEO (Meteorological Environmental Earth Observation) s.r.l.
● E-geos S.p.A
● SERCO Italia S.p.A
● Exprivia S.p.A.


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