The ETC/CA is a Consortium of 18 European organisations with expertise in the topic area of climate change adaptation and Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) working in partnership with the European Environment Agency under a framework partnership agreement for the period 2022-2026.
4 years from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2026
- AEA - Agenzia Europea per l'Ambiente
Coordinating organization
- CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes
CMCC Divisions
- Economic analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy Division
- Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services Division
- Regional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts Division
- Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies Division
General aims
The ETC CA assists the European Environment Agency (EEA) in supporting the implementation and developments of EU legislation and policy by monitoring and assessing climate change impacts, hazards and adaptation and LULUCF, contributing to the harmonisation, quality assessment and sharing of data and/or information, the main supported policy process being the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, in the framework of the EU Green Deal.
CMCC role
CMCC is the project coordinator and it is the task managers of the following tasks:
- Climate change in Europe’s seas – challenges and solutions
- Carbon sequestration options in the EU Member States
- Supporting developments of the European Climate Data Explorer
- Contribution to European Climate and Health Observatory
- Climate-ADAPT
- Economic losses from weather and climate-related extremes
The ETC CA main activities are:
- Produce knowledge base and indicators across sectors and regions.
- Elaborate integrated and systemic assessments of climate change vulnerabilities and natural hazard risks to society and ecosystems.
- Carry out monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies, plans, options and measures.
- Update, evaluate and improve the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT), thus contributing to better informed decision‑making.
Expected results
The ETC/CA supports the EEA’ work on climate change impacts and adaptation by:
- updating 6 EEA indicators (CSI012, CSI046, CSI047, CSI053, CLM045, CLI013);
- developing EEA assessment reports on lessons learned from the 2021 and 2023 reporting of national climate change adaptation actions (under the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action Regulation), and preparing for the next reporting cycle in 2025;
- analysing the upscaling potential of selected cases of nature-based solutions relevant to achieving overarching ecosystem restoration targets, including the socio-economic factors, drivers and barriers;
- preparing indicators and assessments related to climate change and health, feeding into to the EEA-Lancet Countdown report and updating the European Climate and Health Observatory
- updating and further improving the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT);
- undertaking methodological work on economic losses from weather and climate-related extreme events, and updating the relevant EEA indicator (CSI042);
- draft the 2024 EEA urban adaptation assessment report and contribute to the organisation of the European Urban Resilience Forum.
- support in the organization of the annual Eionet Workshop and webinars on climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation (CCIVA) and support in ad hoc request by the networks;
- implementation of the EIONET/EEA strategy in particular providing timely inputs to the solutions on climate change adaptation.
CMCC Foundation
The Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC)
Climate-KIC (CKIC)
Climate Alliance
The Danish Centre for Environment and Energy- Aarhus University (DCE-AU)
The Environment Agency Austria (EAA)
The European Academy of Bozen (EURAC Research)
Fresh Thoughts Consulting GmbH (Fresh Thoughts)
The National Institute of Health (ISS)
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)
Plan Bleu for the environment and the development in the Mediterranean (Plan Bleu)
PREDICTIA Intelligent Data Solutions (Predictia)
Stiftelsen The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
Thetis SpA
Flemish institute for technological research (VITO)
Wageningen Environmental Research (WeNR)
Wageningen University (WU)