CLIMAAX – CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX

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CLIMAAX – CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX

CLIMAAX responds to the call HORIZON-MISS-2021-CLIMA-02-01 by providing financial, analytical and practical support to European regions, allowing an improvement of regional climate and emergency risk management plans. It is designed to significantly contribute to the harmonization and consolidation of the practice of climate risk assessment, leaving a substantial legacy for upcoming European initiatives.

36 months from 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2026

General aims

General objectives 
The main objective of CLIMAAX is to support the implementation of the EU Adaptation Strategy and the HE Mission Adaptation first objective: preparing and planning for climate resilience.
CLIMAAX will co-design a harmonized methodological framework to assess the climate change risks and impacts at the regional scale across Europe. This framework will be supported by an operational multi-risk assessment methodological framework and supporting Toolbox to assist regions and communities in better understanding, preparing for and managing climate risks. 
The framework and Toolbox will be implemented in >50 EU Regions/Cities/Communities allowing the demonstration and beta testing of the climate risk and vulnerability assessment framework Toolbox, the refinement of the assessment tools, and the enhancement of the adaptive capacity of European regions and communities to reduce their vulnerability to climate change.

CMCC role 
CMCC will contribute to setup a common framework for inclusive and harmonised climate risk assessment at local and regional level, elaborated through consultation, dialogs, review and collaboration with a range of user & expert organizations and networks with a shared interest in climate risk assessment and knowledge (climate, adaptation & resilience) services.
CMCC will also take the lead in implementing a communication and dissemination strategy to maximise the project visibility and outreach of the results of the project. 

CLIMAAX is structured in 8 WPs:

  1. Framework for local and regional climate risk assessment
  2. Codesign of the supporting toolbox
  3. Regional CRA prototypes and operationalisation 
  4. Open Call and selection of regions and communities
  5. Implementation of the methodological framework and toolbox in >50 region/communities
  6. Support to implementation and upgrade of framework and tools
  7. Synthesis and scaling up
  8. Communication and outreach

Expected results
The project will co-design a harmonised methodological framework to assess the climate change risks and impacts at the regional scale across Europe which will be implemented in more than 50 EU Regions/Cities/Communities.

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Barcelona (UPC), Spain
Centro Internazionale di Monitoraggio Ambientale (CIMA), Italy 
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Finland 
Association Européenne des Agences de Développement (EURADA), Belgium
Research Gemeinnützige GMBH (ADELPHI), Germany 
FundingBox accelerator sp. Z o. o. (FBA), Poland 
Stichting VU (VU-IVM), The Netherlands 
Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC), Italy
European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), United Kingdom 
Mesto Zilina (ZILINA), Slovakia 
KAJO SRO (KAJO), Slovakia
Camara Municipal de Setubal (SETUBAL), Portugal 
Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Territorio da Universidade de Lisboa (IGOT), Portugal 
Department d’Interior – Generalitat de Catalunya (INTC), Spain 
Internationales Institute fuer Angewandte Systemanalyse (IIASA), Austria 
Ministry of Interior of Finland (MoIFI), Finland 
Latvija Vides, Geologijas un Meteorologijas Centrs Sia (LVGMC), Latvia 
Emergency Service Academy Finland (ESAF), Finland


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