CLARA – Climate forecast enabled knowledge services

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CLARA – Climate forecast enabled knowledge services

The aim of CLARA innovation action is to develop a set of leading-edge climate services building upon the newly developed Copernicus Climate Change Services – near-term forecasts and sectorial information systems (SIS) – and sustain their marketability and value.

3 years from 01/06/2017 to 30/09/2020

General aims
  1. Facilitate development of new and enhancement of existing climate services by drawing upon the recent seasonal to decadal projections and projections developed under the Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S);
  2. Analyse and demonstrate the economic and social value unleashed by climate forecast enabled climate services and corroborate the ensuing direct and indirect benefits various end users and customers obtain from them in terms of reduced risk, more efficient resource management, and improved resilience to climate variability and change;
  3. Engage service developers, purveyors and end-users in mutually beneficial collaboration and partnerships for service co-design, co-development, co-assessment and co-delivery;
  4. Contribute to advancing the European innovation, competitiveness and market performance for climate services, by designing and implementing innovative exploitation, business and market-oriented activities.


CMCC is coordinator of the project.

Expected results
  • Consolidate shared understanding of climate innovation pursued in the project, and explore the depth and breadth of key concepts employed;
  • Develop comprehensive guidance for users’ co-production of, and valuation of economic value unleash by climate services;
  • Set up, manage and assist the Multi-User Forum that will enable service purveyors, public agencies and authorities, and other users of climate services to contribute to the design and implementation of project;
  • Design and facilitate working with users to reveal their perceptions and requirements;
  • Develop new and facilitate enhancement of existing and innovative climate services, by making use of seasonal and decadal forecasts of the Copernicus Climate Change Services;
  • Develop, test and deploy a methodological framework and toolkit for assessing economic value unleashed by the Clara-enabled services;
  • Gather market intelligence capable of informing and shaping the business models of Clara services.


The project activities are divided into 8 Workpackages:

WP1- FRAME: Framing the climate service provision in terms of innovation, business and system uses

WP2 – ENGAGE: Engaging end-users, purveyors and service providers in a development oriented dialog

WP3 – SERVICES: Development of new and enhancement of existing, innovative climate services

WP4 – VALUE: Exploring the economic and social value; users’ benefits from the climate services, opportunities and risks

WP5 – MARKET: Fostering market uptake of climate services

WP6 – EXPLOIT: Exploitation, dissemination and communication

WP7 – COORDINATION: Coordination and management

WP8 – ETHICS: Ethics requirements

  • SMHI - Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut
  • ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale
  • ARPAE - Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione, l'Ambiente e l'Energia dell'Emilia-Romagna
  • UCO - Universidad de Cordoba
  • Gecosistema srl
  • Apertum it ab
  • CDF - The Climate Data Factory
  • DCMR - Dcmr Milieudienst Rijnmond
  • RER - Regione Emilia Romagna
  • SAIG - Sistemas Abiertos de Informacion Geografica S.L.

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