CASCADES project strives to understand the conditions under which climate risks propagate beyond their geographical and temporal location in ways that may affect European stability and cohesion. It does so via a broad 360° risk assessment and deeper thematic analyses of trade, value chain, financial and political connections between Europe and the rest of the world.
General objectives
CASCADES aim is to identify the policy leverage points that can help the EU to adapt and respond to such cascading climate risks.
CMCC role
CMCC is leader of WP3 “Assess the climate risks for EU trade patterns”, and applies its CGE model for developing the research activities. Moreover CMCC contributes to WP4 by analyzing the security implications of climate induced migration.
CASCADES integrates a wide range of established and innovative methodologies – many of which have not been systematically applied to adaptation questions before – ranging from biophysical climate impact modeling, economic modeling of trade and financial networks, and data integration methods, to qualitative approaches including hotspot case study analysis original social science research and serious games.
Expected results
CASCADES will provide knowledge and tools to support policy and decision-making processes, thus helping Europe to strategically navigate a sustainable and resilient path through a rapidly changing, interconnected world.
- Stiftelsen The Stockholm Environment Institute, SE
- Adelphi Research Gemeinnutzige Gmbh, DE
- Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, IT
- Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich, CH
- University of York, UK
- Suomen Ymparistokeskus, FI
- Centre for International Information and Documentation in Barcelona, ES
- The Royal Institute of International Affairs, UK
- European Centre for Development Policy Management, NL
- Stowarzyszenie Centrum Rozwiazan Systemowych, PL
- Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien, AT
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