Blue4All – Blueprint demonstration for co-created effective, efficient and resilient networks of MPAs

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Blue4All – Blueprint demonstration for co-created effective, efficient and resilient networks of MPAs

There is an urgent need to strengthen marine conservation and restoration globally. One of the key measures to achieve this is to ensure that enough sea area is protected in effective ways. This requires designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in different marine habitats. According to the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, 30% of Europe’s sea and land areas should be under strict protection. 

36 months from 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2026
Funded by
  • Horizon Europe Programme, European Research Executive Agency

Coordinating organization
  • Rbins/Mumm - Institut Royal Des Sciences Naturelles De Belgique

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

General objectives
Blue4All is focused on the analysis of the MPA process comprising all steps needed to successfully conserve and/or restore biodiversity by means of MPAs and other effective conservation measures (OECM). These steps comprise designation (i.e., delineation, eventual enlargement, identification of conservation objectives and status assessment), management (i.e., identification and implementation of conservation and/or restoration measures, including adaptation to climate change and enforcement) and monitoring (i.e., environmental, and ecological status monitoring and auditing). 

CMCC role
CMCC is responsible for relevant ongoing projects that will feed into Blue4All, such as MYSEA and OPERANDUM. The knowledge from these projects will be exploited in WP3, WP4 mad WP5. 
CMCC is also the lead participant for WP5 titled Blue4All Blueprint Platform. 

In addition to project management, and communication and dissemination activities, the main Blue4All activities will concern: 

  • Science-based tools for socio-economic and governance solutions 
  • Science-based tools for ecological and environmental solutions 
  • Learning and testing in Living Labs
  • Blue4All Blueprint Platform 

Expected results
Blue4All will develop an interactive Blueprint Platform i.e., a guide to effective, efficient, and resilient (networks of) MPAs, generically applicable to MPAs at the pan-European level but also beyond the EU with the aim to support EU leadership in international efforts to combat marine biodiversity loss. 


  1. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – RBINS 
  2. Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici – CMCC
  3. SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EWIV – SUB
  4. University of Southern Denmark – SDU
  5. Finnish Environment Institute – SYKE
  6. University of Antwerp – UA
  7. University of College Dublin – UCD
  8. University of Palermo – UNIPA
  9. University of Tartu – UTARTU
  10. Flanders Marine Institute – VLIZ
  11. WWF Adria – Association of the protection of nature and conservation of biological diversity – WWF Adria
  12. Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – HELCOM
  13. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources –  IUCN
  14. WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme (BEP) – WWF BEP
  15. Fondazione WWF Mediterranean – WWF MED
  16. The Environmental Board of Estonia – Keskkonnaamet
  17. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea –  ICES
  18. Wageningen University – WU
  19. Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation – MEDSEA
  20. Office Français de la Biodiversité – OFB
  21. Consorzio di gestione di Torre Guaceto – MPA Torre Guaceto
  22. Comune di Otranto
  23. Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro – PECZM
  24. Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism of Montenegro – MRT

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