via Thomas Alva Edison s.n.c. - 81100 Caserta (CE), Italy
Graduated in Civil Engineering with PhD in Geotechnical Engineering, Alfredo Reder joined CMCC in 2015. He is a scientist and leads the Unit Research “Urban and Risk Assessment” in the REgional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts (REMHI) division within the Institute for Climate Resilience (ICR).
He holds roles of responsibility in various European projects, including WP Leader in HE AGORA, Task leader in HE RethinkAction, HE Sebastien, PRIMA ACQUAOUNT, as well as CMCC scientific coordinator for HE MULTICLIMACT and UFN. He actively handled technical and managing aspects for the C3S_430 Contract. He also contributes to preparing different proposals for national and European calls.
Co-lead author of the chapter on the Built Environment of EUCRA and involved in the Working Group on Climate change adaptation network on the structural design, he is the author of numerous research papers in SCOPUS and WoS journals, and he has also participated as a speaker at several international conferences. He is an expert in climate change impact for physical climate hazards, vulnerability, and risk assessment across different sectors (e.g., buildings and infrastructure), as well as in CDS products and the assessment of climate model uncertainties.
His research activity mainly focuses on (1) the study of potential variations in the number of occurrences of weather-induced landslide events due to climate change; (2) the study of urban climate at different scales with numerical models able to quantify both the magnitude of the urban heat island phenomenon and the effectiveness of adaptation measures on a local scale in reducing this magnitude and (3) on the evaluation and application of Regional Climate Models also including urban parameterisations for urban study purposes.
He has also served as a co-supervisor for several undergraduate theses and one PhD thesis in the geotechnical field. Currently, he is co-supervising a PhD thesis focusing on the climate-health nexus.
- Estimating pros and cons of statistical downscaling based on EQM bias adjustment as a complementary method to dynamical downscaling
- Tea for the Climate: Analysing elderly’s perception on climate change risks
- Failure mechanism in a highway embankment founded on a sloping tectonised flysch formation
- Early warning of shallow landslides: monitoring of pre-failure suction-induced deformation
- Assessing the climate risks on water availability for rainfed barley production in the Almeria province, Spain
- Weather induced post failure kinematics of a highway embankment founded on a marly sandstone slope
- From empirically- to physically-based early warning predictions of rainfall-induced landslides in silty volcanic soils: the Lattari Mountains case study
- Survey of land cover datasets for updating the imperviousness field in urban parameterisation scheme TERRA_URB for climate and weather applications
- Harmonised procedure to update thermal loads in the Eurocodes. Case study for Italy
- Investigation on potential and limitations of ERA5 Reanalysis downscaled on Italy by a convection-permitting model