Ozan Özkiper was born on August 23, 1995, in İstanbul, Turkey. Since November 2022 he has been a research fellow at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC – RAAS Division) with a scientific collaboration to develop suitability models of nature-based solutions in the frame of H2020 MaCoBioS project.
He obtained his master’s degree in Environmental Sciences – Global Change and Sustainability at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in October 2022. His MSc thesis focused on the suitability mapping of nature-based solutions, specifically seagrass meadows, in marine and coastal areas of the Mediterranean eco-region using multi-criteria decision analysis. During his master’s degree programme, Ozan held a training internship at CMCC, where he studied nature-based solutions’ potential to mitigate water quality degradation due to climate change. His research interests refer to the potential impacts of climate change and effective adaptation strategies with a specific focus on habitat suitability in marine and coastal areas.