Gonzalez Javier

Via Bergognone, 34 – 20144 Milano

Javier is an Electrical and Electronic Engineer, with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on Smart Grids at Politecnico di Milano. Planned to start the Science, Technology, and Policy Ph.D. program at Politecnico di Milano. Worked at Universidad de los Andes and Fedesarrollo as an Assistant Researcher, and in Enel, Colombian Association of Electricity Generators, and Colibri Energy as a professional, consultant in electricity markets and Regulation, and Project Manager for Renewable Energy Development.

He has a strong technical background, creativity, curiosity, and research abilities. He is interested in electricity market design, decarbonization, electrification of final energy processes, renewable energy, demand response, and carbon pricing. He is eager to work toward a clean energy system that helps society to overcome global warming while achieving sustainable development for all. At EIEE, Javier expects to analyze and propose electricity market designs that enable decarbonization trajectories.

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