Ignacio A. Gatti is a Senior Research Associate at the RAAS (Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies) Division at the ICR, CMCC. He is a PhD candidate in Understanding and Managing Extremes at the University School of Advanced Studies (IUSS), Pavia (Italy). He has been a visiting Research Fellow in the University College of London – DE|RISC Lab: Disaster Engineering for ResIlient SoCieties Laboratory. His background includes a Master’s degree in Natural Environmental Studies (The University of Tokyo, Japan), a bachelor’s degree in Physical Geography (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina). He has been a consultant for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), among other institutions.
His expertise includes risk assessment, multi-dimensional vulnerability analysis, resilience, Climate Change and remote sensing applications. Strong experience in interdisciplinary work environments related to disaster risk management. Currently, he is collaborating on the REST-COAST, MYRIAD, and AGILE projects.