Federico Ivan

Chi siamo
Federico Ivan

Ivan Federico is Scientist in Ocean Modelling and responsible of the Advanced Modelling research unit of the Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA) Division at CMCC Foundation.

He holds a Ph.D. in Hydraulics Engineering for the Environment and Territory in 2011, focused on Computational Fluid Dynamics, contributing to the development of a fully meshless Lagrangian particle model.
Since 2012 he has been employed at CMCC, where he has led the development and implementation of very high-resolution hydrodynamic and wave models in operational forecasting mode, from large-scale to shelf-coastal, riverine and urban ocean.
He has been involved as scientific responsible for CMCC and WP leader in several National and International projects.
The current research activity is focused on coastal oceanography processes, seamless approaches between scales, unstructured-grid models, storm surge forecasting.

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