Epicoco Italo

Chi siamo
Epicoco Italo

Via Marco Biagi 5 – 73100 Lecce, Italy

(+39) 0832 1902411

[email protected]

Italo Epicoco is an Assistant Professor at the University of Salento, Lecce. He works at CMCC as principal scientist regarding machine learning approaches for climate modelling. He received a Ph.D. in 2003 in Computer Science field from ISUFI at the University of Lecce, Italy.
His main skills concern computer engineering and computer science. His research interests include the design of machine learning and data mining algorithms on High-end computing architectures, High Performance and Distributed Computing. He is currently working on machine learning approaches for weather and climate prediction.
From 2021-2023 he was director of the Advanced Scientific Computing Division at CMCC.
He leads the NEMO HPC Working Group within the NEMO ocean model consortium. He is member of the ENES (European Network for Earth Science) HPC-MT Task Force. He is also member of the CMCC scientific leadership group.
He published more than 130 papers in refereed books, journal and conference proceedings.

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