De Lorenzis Alessandro

Chi siamo
De Lorenzis Alessandro

Via Marco Biagi 5 – 73100 Lecce, Italy

(+39) 0832 1902411

[email protected]

Alessandro De Lorenzis got the PhD in “Physics and Nanoscience” at University of Salento (Lecce, Italy) in 2020. His research activities were mainly focused on the reproduction of present and past Mars climate conditions by means of General Circulation Models (GCMs). He processed several meteorological data collected by all the landers/rovers that explored the Red Planet and compared them with the output generated by climatic models. He also simulated the echoes of the MARSIS radar for the orbits covered by the ESA Mars Express mission, with the aim of selecting new regions of Mars where it could be possible to detect the presence of liquid water in the subsurface of the planet. During the PhD, he signed a scientific collaboration with the Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) Division of CMCC for the period 2017-2019 in order to run, on the HPC facilities of the Foundation, the climatic models above mentioned.

In 2021, he joined the Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA) Division of CMCC. He is involved in the AdriaClim research project, founded by the Italy-Croatia Interreg Cooperation Programme, dedicated to the study of the impacts of climate changes in the Adriatic Sea region. The principal research activities are related with the validation of climatic models by comparing simulated atmospheric and ocean meteorological parameters with satellite and in-situ observations.

Alessandro is also involved in the OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage hydro-metro risks (OPERANDUM) research project.

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