Biddau Fulvio

Viale Berti Pichat 6/A 40138, Bologna

+39 051 0301600

Fulvio Biddau holds an MSc in social psychology and a PhD in social sciences from the University of Padova defending a thesis on public engagement and social acceptance of energy system change.

Before joining the ISCD division at CMCC, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher and adjunct professor at the same university.

Since 2014, he has been involved in various EU and national projects as a researcher, trainer, and knowledge co-production specialist, gaining expertise in interdisciplinary and participatory action research, and delving into the social processes involved in energy transitions ranging from individual to system-level to provide comprehensive and integrated accounts.

His research activity has mostly focused on public and stakeholder engagement with climate change, environmental justice, and just transitions in the diffusion of renewable energies and the phase-out of fossil fuels.

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