via Thomas Alva Edison s.n.c. - 81100 Caserta (CE), Italy
Master degree in Electronic Engineering for Automation and Telecommunication. Since 2016 she has been working for Fondazione CMCC-REMHI division. Product engineer of the DATACLIME platform ( Expert on developing post-processing tools for the analysis of climate data of different types (simulated, in situ and satellite). Good knowledge of satellite data analysis, useful for supporting hazard monitoring and assessment, through the use of software to manage data provided by different platforms and sensors. Her activity is also focused on the co-design and then on implementation of climate indicators tailored to user needs. Involved in the drafting of the climate analysis performed for the PNACC (National Adaptation Plan on Climate Change). Involved in many national and international projects and consultancy providing climate analysis also for impact assessment from the local up to the continental scale
- A co-design matrix-based approach to evaluate the climate risks for airports: A case study of Bologna airport
- Spatial risk assessment for climate proofing of economic activities: The case of Belluno Province (North-East Italy)
- Risk assessment of national railway infrastructure due to sea-level rise: an application of a methodological framework in Italian coastal railways
- TN0299 - Metodologia di Clusterizzazione climatica per le Aree Italiane basata sui dati di un modello Climatico ad Alta Risoluzione
- Evaluation of atmospheric indicators in the Adriatic coastal areas: a multi-hazards approach for a better awareness of the current and future climate
- A geospatial decision support system to support policy implementation on climate change in EU
- TN0297 - Variazioni attese sull’erosione dei suoli per i bacini sottesi agli invasi artificiali di interesse di Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
- TN0296 - Variazioni attese sul regime delle piogge estreme per prefissati periodi di ritorno per i bacini sottesi agli invasi artificiali di interesse di Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A
- TN0295 - Variazioni attese sul regime delle portate estreme per prefissati periodi di ritorno per i bacini sottesi agli invasi artificiali di interesse di Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
- TN0294 - Variazioni attese sul regime di siccità idrologica per i bacini sottesi agli invasi artificiali di interesse di Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.