Via Marco Biagi 5 – 73100 Lecce, Italy
+39 0832 288650
Giovanni Aloisio is full professor of Information Processing Systems at the Dept. of Innovation Engineering of the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, where is leading the HPC laboratory.
At CMCC he is a member of the Governance bodies, director of the Supercomputing Center and is member of the Strategic Council and of the Executive Committee.
He is also the director of the “Scientific Computing and Operations” (SCO) Division at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC).
His expertise concerns high performance computing, grid & cloud computing and distributed data management. He has been a co-founder of the European Grid Forum (Egrid) which then merged into the Global Grid Forum (GGF), now Open Grid Forum (OGF). He was strongly involved in the EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-science) EU FP5-FP6 grid projects. He is the responsible for CMCC of the EU-FP7 IS-ENES1 and IS-ENES2 (InfraStructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling) projects. He was the responsible for ENES of the EU-FP7 EESI (European Exascale Software Initiative) project and for University of Salento (as PRACE Third Party) of the EU-FP7 EESI 2 project, also chairing in both cases the WCES (Weather, Climate and solid Earth Sciences) European Working Group. He is member of the ENES HPC Task Force. He is one of the key experts of the IESP project (International Exascale Software Project), whose main goal is the definition of the roadmap for a common, open source software infrastructure for scientific computing at exascale.
He is the author of more than 100 papers in referred journals on parallel & grid computing.
- End-to-End Workflows for Climate Science: Integrating HPC Simulations, Big Data Processing, and Machine Learning
- An ensemble machine learning approach for tropical cyclone localization and tracking from ERA5 reanalysis data
- PyOphidia: A Python library for High Performance Data Analytics at scale
- A Data Space for Climate Science in the European Open Science Cloud
- Parallel implementation of the SHYFEM (System of HydrodYnamic Finite Element Modules) model
- Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows for HPC, data analytics, and AI convergence
- An Artificial Neural Network-based approach for predicting the COVID-19 daily effective reproduction number Rt in Italy
- The effect of known and unknown confounders on the relationship between air pollution and Covid-19 mortality in Italy: A sensitivity analysis of an ecological study based on the E-value
- MSG-GAN-SD: A Multi-Scale Gradients GAN for Statistical Downscaling of 2-Meter Temperature over the EURO-CORDEX Domain
- A Climate Change Community Gateway for Data Usage & Data Archive Metrics across the Earth System Grid Federation