Adinolfi Marianna

Chi siamo
Adinolfi Marianna

Marianna Adinolfi graduated with honours at University of Salerno in Environmental Engineering. She has been Erasmus student at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona and visiting Ph.D student at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. She got the Ph. Doctor Europaeus in “Energy Science and Engineering” attained at University of Napoli Parthenope. She joined CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change) in 2018. Her scientific pursuits are: the analyses of the extreme events and urban environment over complex territories (as the Italian peninsula, the Alpine domain, the Macaronesian islands and the Middle East area), the coordinated approaches for dynamical downscaling as part of different CORDEX initiatives and Flagship Pilot Studies – on convection-permitting models, small islands, land use changes and urban environments, the management of climate models outputs to convert them in climate data to support climate adaptation, and the development of a digital academia to educate citizens in the usage of climate platforms and hubs. She also conducted research activities in the field of energy geo-structures and the assessment of climate change impacts on them, in view of climate resilient infrastructures. She got a portfolio of national and international research endeavours, including significant involvement and key roles in EU projects (as EUCP H-2020, VENEZIA 2021-CORILA, HIGHLANDER, Adaptation AGORA, CARMINE) and over 20 impactful scientific papers. Her contributions extend beyond research activities as she participates in several national and international renowned conferences, she is elected as co-leader of the Working Group on Climate Projections in the regional climate modelling COSMO CLM-Assembly, and she is involved in drafting of Horizon European proposals for research and innovation. She is also a member of the Italian Society for Climate Science and National Biodiversity Future Center from several years.

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