The Earth System Modeling Unit at ESYDA division is devoted to the development and application of the CMCC Earth System Model.
The current version CMCC-ESM2 is based on the coupling between the climate coupled model CMCC-CM2 (Cherchi et al., 2019), that accounts for interactive dynamics of atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice and land components, with the inclusion of the marine biogeochemistry to fully represent the global carbon cycles.
CMCC-ESM2 infrastructure integrates specific modelling component for atmosphere (CAM5.4), ocean (NEMO3.6), sea-ice (CICE4), land surface (CLM4.5) and ocean biogeochemistry (BFM5.1). Its development is partly supported by the EU H2020 project CRESCENDO (G.A. 779366)
CMCC-ESM2 contributes to the Climate Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6).
The former version of the CMCC Earth System Model, referred to as CMCC Carbon Earth System Model (CMCC-CESM; Vichi et al., 2011), was based on the coupling between ECHAM5 (atmosphere), OPA8.2 (ocean), SILVA (land surface and vegetation), LIM (sea-ice) and BFMv2 (ocean biogeochemistry). This model was developed and used under the EU FP6 project ENSEMBLES (GOCE-CT-2003-505539) and contributed to CMIP5. Data produced with CMCC-CESM simulations are available on the ESGF portals.
- Cherchi, A., Fogli, P. G., Lovato, T., Peano, D., Iovino, D., Gualdi, S., Masina, S., Scoccimarro, E., Materia, S., Bellucci, Navarra, A. (2019). Global Mean Climate and Main Patterns of Variability in the CMCC‐CM2 Coupled Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(1), 185-209.
- Vichi, M., Manzini, E., Fogli, P. G., Alessandri, A., Patara, L., Scoccimarro, E., Masina, S., Navarra, A. (2011). Global and regional ocean carbon uptake and climate change: sensitivity to a substantial mitigation scenario. Climate dynamics, 37(9-10), 1929-1947.