Urban adaptation in Europe: how cities respond to climate change

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CMCC Webinar
December 10, 2020 – h. 12:30 pm CET

Aleksandra Kazmierczak, European Environment Agency (EEA)
Marianne Zandersen, Aarhus University and ETC/CCA

Introduction and Moderator:
Margaretha Breil, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC) and ETC/CCA



Climate change will have important and particular impacts on European cities, and these impacts will cause significant consequences for the societies. A large share of the European population lives in urban settings of high logistic and economic importance. As a consequence, local-level adaptation action is being recognized as crucial by key international frameworks and European policies.

The recent EEA Report ”Urban adaptation in Europe: how cities and towns respond to climate change”, which is the result of a joint work of the European Environment Agency and the Expert Group for Climate Change Adaptation of the European Topic Centre led by CMCC, presents the state of play of adaptation to climate change in European cities.

This report provides an overview on the state of play of climate change adaptation at local level, as well as an overview on scientific evidence regarding climate change impacts and efficiency of adaptation options available at local level. It furthermore suggests steps for policy, practice and research to support local action. It findings point to an increasing commitment to adaptation and support for such activities in regional and national contexts. Yet, unsustainable urban development is exacerbating the magnitude of climate impacts through the expansion into flood- and wildfire-risk areas, progressing surface sealing and limited vegetation cover. From a procedural point of view, local adaptation action has rarely paid attention to the monitoring and evaluation of adaptation actions, which poses particular problems with regards to knowledge about the efficiency and effectiveness of adaptation measures

Speaker’s short bio
Aleksandra is an environment and health expert at the European Environment Agency. Before her recent move to work on environmental health inequalities, she specialized in urban and social aspects of adaptation for over a decade. Aleksandra has background in geography and spatial planning. Prior to joining EEA, she was a researcher at University of Manchester and Cardiff University, UK.

Marianne: https://pure.au.dk/portal/da/persons/marianne-zandersen(117738a1-e24b-455e-bdfe-1ed4b56bf96e).html

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