The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on GHG emissions: which lessons to learn on the way towards decarbonization?

Cosa facciamo

Online Webinar
July 14th, 2022 | h. 12.00 pm CEST
Click on the following link for registration:

Gianandrea Mannarini, CMCC, OPA Division
Giacomo Nicolini, CMCC, IAFES Division

Moderator: Luis Sarmiento, RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment, CMCC


The measures taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 in 2020 included restrictions in economic activities and thus in people’s mobility, with abrupt changes in terrestrial – especially at urban scale – and maritime transport. This resulted into a natural experiment on mobility at an unprecedented scale.
To examine the environmental effect of such restrictions, two research works analyzed changes in CO2 emissions, under different methods and databases, respectively for 11 cities from northern to southern Europe – Helsinki, Amsterdam, Berlin, London, Vienna, Innsbruck, Basel, Florence, Pesaro, Sassari, Heraklion – and for three marine regions – Mediterranean, Baltic, and North Sea. Sites showed a reduction in CO2 emissions during the lockdown, varying among European regions, cities and their internal districts, type of ferries, as well as the period considered (during or after lockdown).
The webinar will illustrate the methods applied in the research and the key findings, providing both useful information to assess the emission changes in relation to human behavior and a critical discussion on the availability of open observational data.

Watch the video:

July 14, 2022 | h. 12.00 pm CEST
Click on the following link for registration:


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