TEACHER-CE Project-Towards adaptation to climate change for water management in Central Europe

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CMCC Webinar
December 16, 2021 | h 03:00 – 4.00 pm CET
Please, click on the following link for registration: https://bit.ly/3InSlGd


Barbara Čenčur Curk (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering)
Primož Banovec (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering)

Moderator: Guido Rianna (CMCC Foundation)


Interreg Central Europe project TEACHER-CE (joinT Efforts to increase water management Adaptation to climate CHanges in central EuRope) is integrating and harmonizing results of previously funded projects recognizing their links to topic climate change adaptation in the field of water management and complex implementation of measures. The main outcome of the project is an Integrated Toolbox CC-ARP-CE for climate change adaptation and risk prevention and reduction in addressed water management issues (heavy rains, floods, droughts, drinking water protection and related regulating ecosystem services and land use management).
The CC-ARP-CE is an online platform that helps users to identify climate adaptation measures for different fields of actions and various land uses in the water management sector. The main expected result of TEACHER-CE project is an improvement in integrated water management capacities of public sector and related entities for risk prevention, climate change adaptation for water protection in Central Europe achieved through action on local level and transnational cooperation.
CMCC is deeply involved in all the project Work Packages. It supports i) the development of the climate-proof suite of tools included in the “Integrated toolbox for climate change adaptation and risk prevention” (CC-ARP-CE) and ii) the use of the Toolbox to effectively and robustly mainstream climate change adaptation in sectoral plans e.g. Flood-, River Basin-, Drought Management Plans and regional/local Spatial Plans.

Watch the video:


December 16, 2021 | h 03:00 – 4.00 pm CET

The webinar will be broadcasted via Zoom.
Please, click on the following link for registration: https://bit.ly/3InSlGd

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

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