Improving the sustainability of maritime transport in the Adriatic Sea

Cosa facciamo

Online event
October 19, 2021 – h.10.00 am – 01.00 pm CEST

How can the environmental sustainability of maritime transport in the Adriatic region be improved?
This is one of the goals of the Priority Axis 4 of the Italy-Croatia Cooperation Programme (i.e., INTERREG IT-HR), financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
In a compact online event, three research projects of the IT-HR Programme will dialogue to address this question. Representatives from the E-CHAIN (enhanced connectivity and harmonization of data for the Adriatic intermodal network), GUTTA (saving fuel and emissions from maritime transport in the Adriatic region), and METRO (maritime environment-friendly transport systems) will describe the outcomes of the project activities and the experiences learned during the projects. Furthermore, thanks to the participation of speakers from regulatory agencies, policymaking, industry, etc, insights about the present and the future of maritime transport regarding sustainability actions will be provided.


Working language: English


Time          Title Speaker
10:00 Welcome, opening of the event and introduction Moderator: Aldo Gucci – Pirene srl Roma
10:10 Institutional Greetings from Interreg VA Italy – Croatia Paolo Rotoni – Interreg V A Italy – Croatia 2014-2020, Joint Secretariat
10:15 Mobility with low environmental impact Dr. Emanuele Giglio, GMT SpA, CEO (E-CHAIN project)
10:30 Operational least-CO2 ferry routes based on metocean forecasting products Gianandrea Mannarini, CMCC Foundation, Senior Scientist (GUTTA project)
10:45 Designing sustainable maritime transport systems Giorgio Sulligoi & Andrea Vicenzutti, University of Trieste – DIA (METRO project)
11:00 Interactive polls – I Public
11:05 Sustainability  and Technical Assistance Department of EMSA Sergio Alda – EMSA

Mercedes Garcia Horrillo – EMSA

11:25 Airborne emissions and underwater noise Alessandro Boveri & Erica Firenze (CETENA S.p.A.)
11:45 Strategy for reducing GHG emissions in the Ports of Trieste and Monfalcone Alberto Cozzi, Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea – Ports of Trieste and Monfalcone, Project Manager
12:10 Interactive polls – II Public
12:20 Final panel with all speakers Moderator
13:00 Conclusions Moderator

Click here to download the agenda (pdf)

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The online event will be broadcasted via Zoom.
Please, click on the following link for registration:


Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro‐Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

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