PredictOnTime: Observing and predicting the global coastal ocean

Cosa facciamo

11-13 May | Lecce, CMCC – Via Marco Biagi, 5



This workshop will seek to bring together an international community of scientists to discuss and develop the key action areas of PredictOnTime:

  • Improving the understanding of functioning and predicting capacity of this complex global coastal ocean where the impacts of climate change are amplified.
  • Improving our understanding of the coastal area processes using a multi-disciplinary and integrated approach
  • To advance the observing and prediction capacity for a better understanding of the coastal ocean dynamics with a focus in the short time scale events and extreme events
  • Enhance coastal observing and prediction systems in under-resourced countries supplying low cost, easily transferable equipment, relocatable forecasting systems as well as best practices

We invite submission of abstracts that align with these priority knowledge gaps and technical and scientific challenges. Studies investigating coastal observing and forecasting systems (development, testing, evaluating and assessing) are welcomed, including new predictive capacities, services and products for the global coastal ocean, innovative integrated observing systems and forecasting systems, relocatable, easy to be deployed, cost effective observing and forecasting system; natural extreme events observing and predicting capacities; forecasting accuracy assessment; observing systems quality control; impacts on natural and human resources assessment; citizen-community science observing capacities; innovative and sustainable applications for coastal solutions/services.

During the UN Ocean Decade, PredictOnTime core project aims to improve the coastal observing systems and forecasting systems to drive a transformative change on how to predict the global coastal ocean, testing, evaluating and assessing observing and modeling capacities. At this first community workshop, we will share understanding and expertise and through dedicated discussion sessions (1) start developing a roadmap towards collectively achieving the Project ambition and (2) identify the community focused recommendations and products that will support CoastPredicts ‘Global Coastal Ocean Experiment’.

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