Virtual event accompanying the adoption of the new EU Climate Adaptation Strategy
The European Commission will release the new and more ambitious EU Climate Adaptation Strategy on February 24th, 2021. The Strategy complements the proposed European Climate Law and sets to foster adaptive capacity and socially-just transformations to climate-resilient society, fully adapted to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. During this event, members of adaptation and disaster risk reduction communities will discuss how to reach these goals and accelerate adaptation actions.
On behalf of the European Commission, DG CLIMA, the Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change organises a Virtual Event accompanying the adoption of the new EU Climate Adaptation Strategy with the aim of mobilising the climate adaptation community and providing forum for reflecting on the role of science and innovation in general, and how climate adaptation community can contribute to meeting the goals of the Strategy. The Event will take place on February 25th and 26th and is composed by community workshops (three parallel streams 14.00 – 16.00 CET on both days), and high-level policy panels (16.15-18.00 CET on both days). The event is organised in the context of the commissioned Study on Adaptation Modelling (CLIMA.A3/ETU/2018/0010).
The number of participants is limited, please pre-register soon to secure your seat by filling the registration form.
The event will be recorded. Streams will be available on the European Commission YouTube channel.
High level science-policy panels
16.15 – 18.00 CET
Thursday, February 25th

Our understanding of climate change-related risks, impacts and vulnerabilities has improved hugely over the past decades. It is important now to translate the existing wealth of knowledge into user-customised products that can help decision-makers take informed decisions boosting resilience and adaptation capacity of their communities. The session will address themes related to
- co-development and employment of climate services, spearheaded by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S);
- digital technologies building upon the advancements in Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence, as well as the new initiatives like Destination Earth and Digital Twins; and
- climate loss data, collected in cooperation with Member States, cities and industry, standardised, and made publicly accessible through the Risk Data Hub, developed by the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre.
Francisco Doblas-Reyes is Director of the Earth Sciences Department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
Daniela Jacob is Director of the Climate Service Center Germany and she is Chair of the German Committee Future Earth.
Roger Street is a Research Associate in the Environmental Change Institute and an Associate Fellow at Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford.
Peter Bauer is Deputy Director of the Research Department at European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and heads the Scalability Programme.
Tom De Groeve is Deputy Head of Unit, JRC.E.1 Disaster Risk Management, Joint Re-search Centre, European Commission.
Petra Löw is Head of NatCatSERVICE Climate & Public Sector Business at Munich Reinsurance Company.
Chris Hewitt (moderator) is Head of the International Climate Services Team at the Met Office UK and Professor of Climate Science at the University of Southern Queensland.

Climate adaptation needs to be pursued in a systemic and coherent way at, and across, all governance levels, from local to regional to national and EU-wide. The EU Adaptation Strategy will continue to encourage integration of climate resilience in all relevant policy fields in both the public and the private sectors, including agriculture, transport and power infrastructure, and insurance. Cross-cutting issues will be prioritized: integration of adaptation into macro-fiscal policy, nature-based solutions for adaptation, and local adaptation actions.
EU support will be channeled to adaptation and resilience-building at the local level. Monitor- ing, reporting and evaluation are essential to establishing a clear and robust baseline from which to measure adaptation progress. Implementing nature-based solutions on a larger scale will increase climate resilience and deliver on multiple other European Green Deal objectives.
Blaž Kurnik is Head of Group CET2 – Climate Change Adaptation and Land use, Land-use Change and Forestry, European Environment Agency.
Lykke Leonardsen is Head of Resilient and Sustainable City Solutions in Copenhagen.
Yann Françoise is Head of Climate – Energy and Circular Economy Strategies, Urban Ecology Agency, Parks and Environment Directorate, City of Paris.
Diana Radu is Policy Analyst, ECFIN.C.4 National Fiscal Frameworks and Institutions, DG ECFIN, European Commission.
Claus Kondrup is Senior Expert, CLIMA.A.3 Adaptation, DG CLIMA, European Commission.
Karen Sudmeier-Rieux is Senior Advisor, Disaster Risk Reduction with the United Nations Environment Programme’s Disasters and Conflicts in Geneva.
Jaroslav Mysiak (moderator) is Director of the Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies re- search division at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change.

The EU is committed to increase spending for climate adaptation and support for the protection of the most vulnerable. Other public and private funding sources will be needed to bridge the finance gap for climate-resilient investments.
The EU Adaptation Strategy will promote disaster insurance penetration and promote insurance schemes that encourage adaptation and resilience investments. Climate adaptation must better leverage synergies and coherence of knowledge and practice with disaster risk reduction. Sustain- able use of freshwater is fundamental for climate resilience.
The Strategy will promote reduction in water usage, sharing water resources across borders and adoption of drought management plans. This session will address how to accelerate adaptation efforts and harness the potential of advanced climate risk assessments to reduce adaptation/protection gaps and ensure water security for all.
Jeroen Aerts is Head of the Water and Cli- mate Risk department at the Institute for Envi- ronmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amster- dam.
Kristin Aunan is a Senior Researcher in the Climate Impacts Group at the Center for International Climate Research Oslo, Norway.
Marie Scholer is a Policy Expert – Sustainable Finance at the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority.
Berit Arheimer (tbc) is Head of Hydrological Research at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.
Veronica Scotti (tbc) is Chairperson Public Sector Solutions at Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.
Hein Pieper is Chairman of the Dutch Water Authority Rijn and IJssel and Board Member of the Association of Dutch Water Authorities.
Francesco Bosello (moderator) is Associate Professor at Venice Ca’ Foscari University and the Director of the Economic Analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy research division at the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change.

Adaptation is a cross-cutting issue in the external action of the EU and of the Member States, spanning development cooperation, migration or security. Strengthening international collaboration for climate resilience is a key priority for the EU. Adaptation efforts need to be effectively targeted to reach the most exposed, vulnerable, conflict-prone or marginalised communities, leaving no one and no place behind.
The new EU Adaptation Strategy will promote regional approaches, with a focus on adaptation in Africa and Small Island Developing States. The Strategy will further advance a Green Agenda for Western Balkans and strong green partnerships with the EU Neighbourhood.
Insights from the ongoing research within two EU H2020 projects RECEIPT and CASCADES will set the stage for an in-depth discussion on how re- mote climate change impacts may affect the resilience in Europe.
Katy Harris is Senior Expert at the Stockholm Environment Institute and Director of Adaptation Without Borders.
Bart van den Hurk is Strategic Research Advisor Climate Change at the Water Knowledge Institute Deltares and Professor at the Institute for Environmental Studies in Amsterdam.
Maarten van Aalst is Director of Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and Professor at the University of Twente.
Tessa Schmedding is EU Affairs Expert in the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Regional Office for Europe.
Bina Desai is Head of Programmes at the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre and a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Taskforce on Displacement under the Warsaw Mechanism for Loss and Damage.
Daniel Stadtmüller is Team Leader of InsuResilience Secretariat at the German Corporation for International Cooperation.
Christopher Reyer (moderator) is leading the Forest and Ecosystem Resilience Group at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Climate adaptation planning and decision-making relies on numerical and conceptual models and model-based evidence. These include models for hazard, exposure and vulnerability assessment; sectoral and economic models for impact and adaptation assessment such as Integrated Assessment Models and Computational General Equilibrium models; and a range of other qualitative and semi-qualitative modelling techniques such as agent-based models, and model-supported stakeholder and multi-criteria analyses. This session is dedicated to the recent advancements, prospects, common challenges and emerging practice principles in climate adaptation modelling. The results of the DG Climate Action – commissioned study on the state-of-the-art in climate adaptation modelling will serve as the background of the discussion. The outcomes of the study include extensive desk review, collection of use and case studies, recommended approach to analysis and use of rapid assessment tools.
Ad Jeuken is an Expert Advisor on Adaptation to Climate Change at Deltares.
Marleen de Ruiter is Assistant Professor at the Department of Water and Climate Risk of the In- stitute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universi- teit Amsterdam.
Rhian Ebrey is a Junior Researcher at the Insti- tute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Enrico Scoccimarro is a Senior Scientist at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Climate Simulations and Predictions division.
Kees van Ginkel is a Researcher at Deltares on Climate Change Adaptation, Coastal & Riverine Flood Risk Management Decision Making under deep uncertainty.
Paola Mercogliano is Director of the Regional Model and Geo-Hydrological Impacts research division at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
Antonio Trabucco is a Senior Researcher at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services division.
Francesco Bosello (moderator) is Associate Professor at Venice Ca’ Foscari University and the Director of the Economic analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy research division at the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change.

The mission-oriented research & innovation is a part of Horizon Europe, the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme 2021-2027.
The Missions set out to bring together a range of research and innovation activities, from fundamental research projects to policy-applied research to market deployment. The proposed “Mission on Climate Adaptation and Societal Transformation” seeks to get Europe prepared to unavoidable climate impacts and to accelerate the transformation to a climate-resilient and just Europe.
The Mission will contribute to achieving the objectives of the new EU Climate Adaptation Strategy, by testing and up-scaling innovative solutions and creating enabling conditions for transformations. The session will focus on how to stimulate major innovations in the management of interdependent key community systems that are central for resilience building and sustainable development.
Asun Lera St. Clair is Senior Advisor at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
Kevin O’Connor is Director of BiOrbic Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre and University College Dublin.
Ann Runnel is a researcher and economist, founder and CEO of Reverse Resources.
Liviu Stirbat is Deputy Head of Unit, CLIMA.A.3 Adaptation, DG CLIMA, European Commission.
Thomas Koetz is Policy Officer, RTD.C.3 Climate & Planetary Boundaries, DG RTD, European Commission.
Jesús Alquézar Sabadie is Socio-Economic Analyst, ENV.F.1 Sustainable Development Goals Green Finance & Economic Analysis, DG ENVIRONMENT, European Commission.
Jaroslav Mysiak (moderator) is Director of the Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies research division at the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change.

The new EU Adaptation Strategy laid out the vision putting the European Union on a pathway to a climate-resilient society, fully adapted to the unavoidable impacts of climate change, with reinforced adaptive capacity and reduced vulnerability in line with the Paris Agreement and the proposed European Climate Law. The previous 2013 Strategy helped to mainstream adaptation into policies and funding instruments. As a result, the EU Member States have adopted comprehensive adaptation strategies and plans.
The objective of the new Strategy is to progress swiftly toward the 2050 resilience vision by making adaptation action smarter, more systemic, and faster. This translates into improved knowledge and data; support to policy development and climate risk management at all levels and accelerated adaptation action across the board.
Elena Višnar Malinovská is Head of Unit, CLIMA.A.3 Adaptation, DG CLIMA, European Commission.
Grazyna Piesiewicz is Head of Unit, CNECT.C.1 Open Science and Digital Modelling, DG CONNECT, European Commission.
Maria Brattemark is Policy Officer, ECHO.B.2 Prevention and Disaster Risk Management, DG ECHO, European Commission.
Philippe Tulkens is Head of Unit ad interim, RTD.C.3 Climate & Planetary Boundaries, DG RTD, European Commission.
Alessandra Zampieri is Head of Unit, JRC.E.1 Disaster Risk Management, Joint Research Centre, European Commission.
Lídia Pereira is a Member of the European Parliament and a Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.
Paul Watkiss (moderator) is an International Expert in Climate Change Adaptation Research and Consultancy.

The proposed Horizon Europe Mission on Climate adaptation and societal transformation sets out to work with citizens, communities and regions on green innovation, transformative adaptation and resilience forging, in order to
- Prepare Europe to deal with climate disruptions, assisting citizens, communities and regions in better understanding, preparing for and managing climate risks such as heatwaves, forest fires, droughts, floods, storms, and diseases,
- Accelerate the transition to a climate-resilient future, supporting 200 European communities and regions that reflect the diversity in climate and approaches to addressing climate risk in Europe, in co-creating a vision, innovation pathways and enabling conditions for transformative adaptation within safe planetary boundaries, and
- Build deep resilience, scaling up actionable solutions triggering societal transformations through 100 deep demonstrations of climate resilience across many European communities and regions.
Clara De La Torre is Deputy Director-General, DG CLIMA, European Commission.
John Bell is Director RTD.C Healthy Planet, DG RTD, European Commission.
Connie Hedegaard is former European Commissioner for Climate Action and the Chair of the Mission Board on Climate Adaptation and Societal Transformation.
Kirsten Dunlop is Chief Executive Officer at Climate-KIC.
Pirita Lindholm is Director of the European Regions Research and Innovation Network.
Markku Markkula is a member and former president of the European Committee of the Regions.
Paul Watkiss (moderator) is an International Expert in Climate Change Adaptation Research and Consultancy.
Maarten van Aalst is Director of Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and Professor at the University of Twente, Jeroen Aerts is Head of the Water and Climate Risk department at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Berit Arheimer (tbc) is Head of Hydrological Research at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Kristin Aunan is a Senior Researcher in the Climate Impacts Group at the Center for International Climate Research Oslo, Norway, Peter Bauer is Deputy Director of the Research Department at European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and heads the Scalability Programme, John Bell is Director RTD.C Healthy Planet, DG RTD, European Commission, Francesco Bosello is Associate Professor at Venice Ca’ Foscari University and the Director of the Economic Analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy research division at the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change, Maria Brattemark is Policy Officer, ECHO.B.2 Prevention and Disaster Risk Management, DG ECHO, European Commission, Tom De Groeve is Deputy Head of Unit, JRC.E.1 Disaster Risk Management, Joint Re-search Centre, European Commission, Clara De La Torre is Deputy Director-General, DG CLIMA, European Commission, Bina Desai is Head of Programmes at the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre and a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Taskforce on Displacement under the Warsaw Mechanism for Loss and Damage, Francisco Doblas-Reyes is Director of the Earth Sciences Department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Kirsten Dunlop is Chief Executive Officer at Climate-KIC, Rhian Ebrey is a Junior Researcher at the Insti- tute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Yann Françoise is Head of Climate – Energy and Circular Economy Strategies, Urban Ecology Agency, Parks and Environment Directorate, City of Paris, Kees van Ginkel is a Researcher at Deltares on Climate Change Adaptation, Coastal & Riverine Flood Risk Management Decision Making under deep uncertainty, Katy Harris is Senior Expert at the Stockholm Environment Institute and Director of Adaptation Without Borders, Connie Hedegaard is former European Commissioner for Climate Action and the Chair of the Mission Board on Climate Adaptation and Societal Transformation, Chris Hewitt is Head of the International Climate Services Team at the Met Office UK and Professor of Climate Science at the University of Southern Queensland, Bart van den Hurk is Strategic Research Advisor Climate Change at the Water Knowledge Institute Deltare Ad Jeuken is an Expert Advisor on Adaptation to Climate Change at Deltares,s and Professor at the Institute for Environmental Studies in Amsterdam, Daniela Jacob is Director of the Climate Service Center Germany and she is Chair of the German Committee Future Earth, Thomas Koetz is Policy Officer, RTD.C.3 Climate & Planetary Boundaries, DG RTD, European Commission, Claus Kondrup is Senior Expert, CLIMA.A.3 Adaptation, DG CLIMA, European Commission, Blaž Kurnik is Head of Group CET2 – Climate Change Adaptation and Land use, Land-use Change and Forestry, European Environment Agency, Lykke Leonardsen is Head of Resilient and Sustainable City Solutions in Copenhagen, Asun Lera St. Clair is Senior Advisor at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Pirita Lindholm is Director of the European Regions Research and Innovation Network, Petra Löw is Head of NatCatSERVICE Climate & Public Sector Business at Munich Reinsurance Company, Markku Markkula is a member and former president of the European Committee of the Regions, Paola Mercogliano is Director of the Regional Model and Geo-Hydrological Impacts research division at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Chang, Jaroslav Mysiak is Director of the Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies re- search division at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Kevin O’Connor is Director of BiOrbic Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre and University College Dublin, Lídia Pereira is a Member of the European Parliament and a Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Hein Pieper is Chairman of the Dutch Water Authority Rijn and IJssel and Board Member of the Association of Dutch Water Authorities, Grazyna Piesiewicz is Head of Unit, CNECT.C.1 Open Science and Digital Modelling, DG CONNECT, European Commission, Diana Radu is Policy Analyst, ECFIN.C.4 National Fiscal Frameworks and Institutions, DG ECFIN, European Commission, Christopher Reyer is leading the Forest and Ecosystem Resilience Group at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Researc, Marleen de Ruiter is Assistant Professor at the Department of Water and Climate Risk of the In- stitute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universi- teit Amsterdam, Ann Runnel is a researcher and economist, founder and CEO of Reverse Resources, Jesús Alquézar Sabadie is Socio-Economic Analyst, ENV.F.1 Sustainable Development Goals Green Finance & Economic Analysis, DG ENVIRONMENT, European Commission, Tessa Schmedding is EU Affairs Expert in the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Regional Office for Europe, Marie Scholer is a Policy Expert – Sustainable Finance at the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, Enrico Scoccimarro is a Senior Scientist at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Climate Simulations and Predictions division, Veronica Scotti (tbc) is Chairperson Public Sector Solutions at Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Daniel Stadtmüller is Team Leader of InsuResilience Secretariat at the German Corporation for International Cooperation, Liviu Stirbat is Deputy Head of Unit, CLIMA.A.3 Adaptation, DG CLIMA, European Commission, Roger Street is a Research Associate in the Environmental Change Institute and an Associate Fellow at Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford, Karen Sudmeier-Rieux is Senior Advisor, Disaster Risk Reduction with the United Nations Environment Programme’s Disasters and Conflicts in Geneva, Antonio Trabucco is a Senior Researcher at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services division, Philippe Tulkens is Head of Unit ad interim, RTD.C.3 Climate & Planetary Boundaries, DG RTD, European Commission, Elena Višnar Malinovská is Head of Unit, CLIMA.A.3 Adaptation, DG CLIMA, European Commission, Paul Watkiss is an International Expert in Climate Change Adaptation Research and Consultancy, Alessandra Zampieri is Head of Unit, JRC.E.1 Disaster Risk Management, Joint Research Centre, European Commission.