Low Carbon Technology: moving research from the laboratory to the market

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The recent G8 Environment
Ministers’ Meeting in Syracuse, Sicily, organized as part of Italy’s G8
presidency for the year, reaffirmed the fundamental role of low-carbon
technologies in the dual challenge of combating climate change and achieving
greater energy security.

As confirmed by the studies entitled “Financing
Technology to Support Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Growth”
by the World Bank, and “Ensuring Green
Growth in a Time of Economic Crisis: The Role of Energy Technology” by the
International Energy Association, a wide diffusion  of commercially-available low-carbon
technology is essential in order to reach ambitious goals in emissions
reduction and to protect the climate system.

Additionally, new efforts must be
brought into being that aid the passage of innovative technology from the
development stage to full commercialization, allowing for the results achieved
in research centers to be rapidly integrated into commercially-available products.

This is the basis of the workshop Leading Low-Carbon Technology in Italy and
the United States:  Moving Research from
the Laboratory to the Market.

Focusing on four broad areas
(bioenergy; the automotive sector; solar; and carbon capture and storage),
Italian and American experts in the world of research and of business will
present success stories of public-private partnerships which seek to promote
the transfer of innovative technological products to international markets.

These concrete examples will offer
a starting point to begin a conversation on future prospects, the principle
directions in which research in low-carbon technology is moving, and on public
and private financing tools useful to the entrepreneurial world in guaranteeing
an effective and broad diffusion of clean technologies on a significant market

The workshop is part of the
bilateral cooperation between the United States and Italy for the promotion of
research and new technologies that combat climate change, and of the Partnership for Growth, the U.S. Embassy
initiative that promotes economic growth in Italy based on innovation.

Leading Low-Carbon Technology in Italy and the United
Moving Research from the Laboratory to the Market

 ICE – Italian Trade Commission
– Sala “Pirelli”
Via Liszt, 21, Rome-Italy
26 May 2009  –
9:00am – 5:00pm


Complimentary entrance with reservation
Please see attached program
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