Expression of interest | PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change. Sixth Edition 2023-2024

Expression of interest

PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change
Sixth Edition 2023 – 2024

Didactic activities: 360 hours Labs: 60 hours
Total ECTS/CFU: 84
Four year scholarship

The program is articulated in 6 common courses – FOUNDATIONS – offered during the first term. In the second term students will choose a specialization in CLIMATE ECONOMICS AND FINANCE or CLIMATE MODELLING AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT.

The course coordinator is Prof. Enrica De Cian and the Deputy coordinator is Prof. Wilmer Pasut.

To enroll in the PhD programme, candidates must be in possession of at least a second cycle, specialization or pre-reform (Italian Ministerial Decree no. 509/99) degree, or equivalent foreign university qualifications, following approval from the Teachers’ Board. English language proficiency level of at least B2.

Know more about the Sixth Edition of the PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change

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