The Foundation

CMCC is an international research centre that collaborates with experienced scientists, economists, and technicians who work together to provide full analyses of climate impacts on socio-economic systems.
CMCC also supports policymakers in setting and assessing costs, mitigation, and adaptation policies. Furthermore, the Foundation promotes and carries out basic and applied scientific research and develops operational services with a high content of knowledge and technological innovation in the various fields on which climate change has an impact, favouring collaboration between universities, national and international research bodies, local authorities and manufacturing sectors.

CMCC benefits from the extensive applied research experience of its cofounders institutions: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaUniversità degli Studi del SalentoUniversità Ca’ Foscari VeneziaUniversità di SassariUniversità della TusciaPolitecnico di MilanoResources for the FutureUniversità di Bologna.

It is organized in the form of a network connecting universities and research institutes in a strongly interdisciplinary collaboration aimed at developing and promoting knowledge in the field of climate science.

CMCC was established in 2005 with the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, and the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, and it has been fully operative since 2006. On 10 December 2015, the Center became a Foundation, representing CMCC’s legal status, contents, aims and operational modalities.

CMCC Foundation has obtained the “Equivalency Determination” qualification, meaning that it has been considered the equivalent of a U.S. 501(c)(3) public charity in the reception and allocation of charitable donations.

The Board of Directors (BoD), which has ordinary and extraordinary management powers, remains in office for a period of three years and is currently composed of 8 members.

Antonio Navarra – (CMCC President)
Antonio Marcomini
Fabio Pollice
Donatella Spano
Giorgiana De Franceschi
Stefano Ubertini
Richard Newell
Stefano Consonni

The Board delegates the ordinary management of specific problems to the Executive Committee, which is currently composed of 3 members:

Antonio NavarraDirector
Donatella Spano member
Antonio Marcominimember

The Scientific Committee provides advice on CMCC’s research activities, strategic plan and organization, as well as support on specific matters raised by the Chairman of the Board. It is appointed by the Board and is made up of eight highly qualified experts selected among the international scientific and academic community.
Members of the Scientific Committee are appointed by rotation every three years: four new members are appointed, four of the old members are confirmed and the four old members not confirmed are appointed as “Honorary Fellows”.

Antonio J. Busalacchi Jr.

Cameron J. Hepburn

Charles E. Miller

Helena Freitas

Iain Shepherd

Julie Pullen

Mattia Romani


Antonio Navarra

The Scientific Director carries out the directives and scientific guidelines of the governing bodies, directing and promoting scientific activity. It is responsible for implementing the strategies through the definition of the scientific plan, the coordination of the Research Institutes, and the implementation of the resolutions of the Executive Committee.

Giulio Boccaletti

The Executive Director executes the decisions and the directives of the governing Bodies by directing, promotes and manages the administrative activities. She is responsible for implementing the decisions of the statutory bodies, coordinating all activities of the Administration Center and supports the President in organizing and supervising all activities related to legal and institutional affairs.

Laura Panzera

Rodolfo Fiocchi – President
Vincenzo Di Felice– standing statutory auditor
Renato Sanseverino – standing statutory auditor
Sara Rossi – substitute statutory auditor
Stefano De Santis – substitute statutory auditor
Luigi Andrea Carello – accounting Auditor

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