POPAlp v1.0

What we do
POPAlp v1.0

POPAlp is a database where all the published data on environmental monitoring in the mountain areas in central Europe and Italy are collected. The information comes from national and international funded projects and from a review on publications in the period 1999-2012. This database collects POPs’ monitoring concentrations in the Alps in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy, and Czech Republic and is aimed at exchanging existing data on POPs contamination in the Alps.

POPAlp may support further activities in understanding POPs’ environmental behaviour at high elevations and can help to identify the most impacted alpine zones and environmental compartments to exposure to POPs. POPAlp manages datasets from monitoring campaigns that were carried out in the following environmental compartments: air, soil, sediment, water, snow.

Data extracted by POPAlp is organized also following river basins and sub-basins.

The contents of the database and the reported information are in Teran T., Lamon L., Marcomini A. Environmental pollution by POPs in Alpine areas: A review of reported data and information needs. In preparation.

Click here to download a Quick Start Guide for users to POPAlp database.

You can send an e-mail request to the following address: [email protected]


Antonio Marcomini – Strategic Council


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