Aloisio Antonio

About us
Aloisio Antonio

Via Marco Biagi 5 – 73100 Lecce, Italy

(+39) 0832 1902411

[email protected]

Antonio Aloisio holds a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures and a specialization in LSP (languages for special purposes). He has carried out his post-degree research activity in Literary, Philological, Language and Language Teaching Sciences focusing on CSI (culture-specific items) translation, namely proverbs.

He has been working as a professional translator for more than ten years now, providing language advice for, among others, the drafting, translation and editing of research papers, project deliverables, technical and scientific reports, as well as corporate training and language consultancy services mainly in the IT and computer science contexts.

He holds a technical and managerial position at CMCC to support the project activities of the Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) Division. His tasks range from project management to new proposals preparation and the production of scientific and technical deliverables within the scope of both national and international ICT research projects and EU-funded projects. He also takes care of project communication and dissemination activities, including the organization of workshops and conference events.

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