Design and implementation of a Bayesian Hierarchical numerical Model (BHM) to produce realistic distribution of winds over the Mediterranean Sea. The activities are included within the TESSA project (Development of Technologies for the “Situational Sea Awareness”).
This tender is announced in accordance with Legislative Decree 163/2006, art. 125, paragraphs 9-11, combined with CMCC Procedures – REG01 ACQ01R3_Procedures for direct management of purchases.
- Design-implementation-BHM Model_Supply_TESSA_TechnicalSpecifications
- Tender-BHMModel-TESSA_request-for-expression-of-interest
- mod30_acq01r0_request_for_expression_of_interest
- Prot_2095_CMCC_04sett2014_extension_notice_offers_submission.pdf
- Notice of no awarding of the tendering procedure
The tender opening will take place in open session on 17th September at 14.30 p.m. at the registered and administrative office of CMCC (via Augusto Imperatore 16, Scala A Piano III — 73100 Lecce). It is allowed the presence of, at the utmost, one subject for each tenderer being exclusively identified between the administrators and the employees of the economic operator participating in the tender. In case of participation of employees, it is required a specific proxy issued by the legal representative on letterhead of the economic operator participating in the tender which also attests the position held by the employee within the company.
The TESSA project is funded by PON – Programma Operativo Nazionale “Ricerca e Competitività” 2007-2013 (UE – Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale / MIUR – Ministero Italiano dell’Università e della Ricerca / MSE – Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico).