TN0292 – Verso una crescita a zero emissioni: Gli impatti macroeconomici e occupazionali per l’Italia del pacchetto “Fit for 55”

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This document presents the result of the macroeconomic assessment of the “Fit for 55” policy package for Italy prepared for the Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Sustainable Mobility. It is shown that the package can originate enough revenues that when used in a mix of support to decarbonization technologies in carbon intensive sectors, deployment of renewable energy sources, and compensation to household income, can promote GDP growth, generate 330 thousand net new jobs while minimizing distributional concerns.

Bosello F., Carraro C., Di Bella A., Key R., Parrado R., Standardi G., Tavoni M., Verso una crescita a zero emissioni: Gli impatti macroeconomici e occupazionali per l’Italia del pacchetto “Fit for 55”, 2023, DOI:

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  • Keywords: Politiche per la decarbonizzazione, Fit for 55, impatti macroeconomici, occupazione, Italia.

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