Volume 3: Case Studies
Editors: Antonio Navarra, Laurence Tubiana
ISBN: 978-94-007-5768-4 (Print) 978-94-007-5769-1 (Online)
Series Title: Advances in Global Change Research
Series Volume: 52
Series ISSN: 1574-0919
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5769-1
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Volume 3 presents case studies performed in CIRCE, representing urban, rural and coastal environments and drawn from the north and the south of the Mediterranean shore.
Chapter 3: Agnew, M.D.; Goodess, C.M.; Hemming, D.; Giannakopoulos, C.; Salem, S.B.; […]; Lionello, P […]; (2013) Physical and Socio-economic Indicators, in (A.Navarra and L.Tubiana eds), Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean, in Advances in Global Change Research 52, 39-60, Springer Netherlands, ISBN: 978-94-007-5768-4 (Print) 978-94-007-5769-1 (Online)
A set of physical and social indicators relevant to each Mediterranean case study has been developed within the context of the CIRCE case studies integrating framework. This framework approach provides a systematic means of structuring indicator selection and helps to provide a scientific basis for the assessment of climate-related impacts and vulnerability. A detailed set of criteria was developed to select and refine indicators through an iterative process of review and consultation. Indicators represent key issues related to climate variability and change for each of the case-study locations. Seven key indicator themes are identified: climate and atmosphere; marine and coastal systems; terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity; freshwater systems; agriculture and forestry; human health and well being; and, the economy. A number of core indicators are common to all case studies (for identifying common/disparate trends), others are common across generic case studies (urban, rural, coastal), and some are case-study specific. Data and methodological challenges in the indicator assessment included: data availability and quality limitations; distinguishing impacts from vulnerabilities, and climate from non-climate influences; and, identifying thresholds and coping ranges. Despite these difficulties, the selected set of indicators proved a useful and accessible tool for monitoring trends and portraying key information to regional stakeholders.
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