Mediterranean water cycle changes: transition to drier 21st century conditions in observations and CMIP3 simulations Mariotti A., Zeng N., Yoon J., Artale V., Navarra A., Alpert P., Li L. X. Z. 2008, Environmental Research Letters, 3, 1-8
Changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity due to Global Warming: Results from a High-Resolution Coupled General Circulation Model Gualdi S., Scoccimarro E., Navarra A. 2008, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/2008JCLI1921.1
Impact of extreme CO2 levels on tropical climate: a CGCM study Cherchi A., Masina S., Navarra A. 2008, Climate Dynamics, 31, 743-758
Heat-waves in Europe: Areas of homogeneous variability and links with the regional to large-scale atmospheric and SSTs anomalies Carril A., Gualdi S., Cherchi A., Navarra A. 2008, Climate Dynamics, 30, 77-98
NAO-Ocean Circulation Interactions in a Coupled General Circulation Model. Bellucci A., Gualdi S., Scoccimarro E., Navarra A. 2008, Climate Dynamics, 31, 759-777
On the coupling between vegetation and rainfall inter-annual anomalies: possible contributions to seasonal rainfall predictability over land areas Alessandri A., Navarra A. 2008, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L02718, doi: 10.1029/2007GL032415
A generalized model of pelagic biogeochemistry for the global ocean ecosystem. Part II: numerical simulations Vichi M., Masina S., Navarra A. 2007, Journal of Marine Systems, 64, pp 110—134
Using temperature-salinity relations in a global ocean implementation of a multivariate data assimilation scheme Bellucci A., Masina S., Di Pietro P., Navarra A. 2007, Monthly Weather Review, 135, pp. 3785-3807