Published articles

Filtering by author: Carraro Carlo

Optimal Energy Investment and R&D Strategies to Stabilise Greenhouse Gas Atmospheric Concentrations

Bosetti V., Carraro C., Massetti E., Sgobbi A., Tavoni M.
2009, Resource and Energy Economics, 31-2, 123-137 - CMCC Research Paper n°13

Climate change mitigation strategies in fast-growing countries: The benefits of early action

Bosetti V., Carraro C., Tavoni M.
2009, Energy Economics, 31 S144–S151- CMCC Research Paper n° 64

Delayed Action and Uncertain Stabilisation Targets. How Much Will the Delay Cost?

Bosetti V., Carraro C., Sgobbi A., Tavoni M.
2009, Climatic Change, Special Issue “The Economics of Climate Change: Targets and Technologies”, Volume 96, Number 3

Modelling negotiated decision making in environmental and natural resource management

Carraro C., Sgobbi A.
2008, Automatica, 44(6), 1488–1503

International Energy R&D Spillovers And The Economics Of Greenhouse Gas Atmospheric Stabilization

Bosetti V., Carraro C., Massetti E., Tavoni M.
2008, Energy Economics, 30: 2912-2929

Introduction to the Review

Carraro C., Stavins R. , Kolstad C.
2007, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1, pp.1-4

The Dynamics of Carbon and Energy Intensity in a Model of Endogenous Technical Change

Bosetti V., Carraro C., Galeotti M.
2006, The Energy Journal, Endogenous Technological Change and the Economics of Atmospheric Stabilisation Special Issue 93-107

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