Published articles

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Evaluation of operational ocean forecasting systems from the perspective of the users and the experts

Ciliberti S.A., Fanjul E.A., Pearlman J., Wilmer-Becker K., Bahurel P., Ardhuin F., Arnaud A., Bell M., Berthou S., Bertino L., Capet A., Chassignet E., Ciavatta S., Cirano M.,Clementi E., Cossarini G., Coro G., Corney S., Davidson F., Drevillon M., Drillet Y., Dussurget R., El Serafy G., Fennel K., Sotillo M.G., Heimbach P., Hernandez F., Hogan P., Hoteit I., Joseph S., Josey S., Le Traon P-Y., Libralato S., Mancini M., Matte P., Melet A., Miyazawa Y., Moore A.M., Novellino A., Porter A., Regan H., Romero L., Schiller A., Siddorn J., Staneva J., Thomas-Courcoux C., Tonani M., Garcia-Valdecasa J.M., Veitch J., von Schuckmann K., Wan L., Wilkin J., Zufic R.
2023, State of the Planet, 1-osr7, 2, doi: 10.5194/sp-1-osr7-2-2023

SIPN South: six years of coordinated seasonal Antarctic sea ice predictions.

Massonnet F., Barreira S., Barthelemy A., Bilbao R., Blanchard-Wrigglesworth E., Blockley E., Bromwich D.H., Bushuk M., Dong X., Goessling H.F., Hobbs W.,Iovino D., Lee W-S., Li C., Meier W.N., Merryfield W.J., Moreno-Chamarro E., Morioka Y., Li X., Niraula B., Petty A., Sanna A., Scilingo M., Shu Q., Sigmond M., Sun N., Tietsche S., Wu X., Yang Q., Yuan X.
2023, Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1148899, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1148899

Identifying energy model fingerprints in mitigation scenarios

Dekker M.M., Daioglou V., Pietzcker R., Rodrigues R., de Boer H.-S., Dalla Longa F.,Drouet L., Emmerling J., Fattahi A., Fotiou T., Fragkos P., Fricko O., Gusheva E., Harmsen M., Huppmann D., Kannavou M., Krey V., Lombardi F., Luderer G., Pfenninger S., Tsiropoulos I., Zakeri B., van der Zwaan B., Usher W., van Vuuren D.
2023, Nature Energy, doi: 10.1038/s41560-023-01399-1

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