Published articles

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Page 193
Towards a standardized processing of Net Ecosystem Exchange measured with eddy covariance technique: algorithms and uncertainty estimation

Papale D., Reichstein  M., Aubinet M., Canfora E., Bernhofer C., Longdoz B., Kutsch W., Rambal  S., Valentini R., Vesala T., Yakir D.
2006, Biogeosciences, 3, 571-583, ISSN: 1726-4170

The EU GridLab Project: A Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed

Aloisio G., Cafaro M., Epicoco I., Nabrzyski J.
2006, In:L. T. Yang, J. Dongarra, A. Hoisie, B. Di Martino, H. Zima, Engineering The Grid: Status and Perspective. American Scientific Publishers, Valencia, California: STATI UNITI D'AMERICA pp.123- 138

A Grid Software Process

Aloisio G., Cafaro M., Epicoco I.
2006, Springer-Verlag, In:Jose C. Cunha and Omer F. Rana, Grid Computing: Software Environments and Tools, Berlino: GERMANIA pp.75- 98

A grid-enabled Web map server

Aloisio G., Cafaro M., Conte D., Fiore S., Marra G. P., Quarta G.
2005, International Conference on Information Technology (ITCC): Coding and Computing, 2005, pp. 298-303, doi: 10.1109/ITCC.2005.12

An agent infrastructure for on-demand processing of remote-sensing archives

Cafaro M., Aloisio G., Yang Y., Rana O. F. , Walker D. W. , Williams R., Georgousopoulos  C.
2005, International Journal on Digital Libraries, pp. 120 - 132 Vol. 5 - ISSN:1432-5012

iGrid, a Novel Grid Information Service

Aloisio G., Cafaro M., Epicoco I., Fiore S., Lezzi D., Mirto M.
2005, In:Sloot P.M.A.,Hoekstra A.G.,Priol T.,Reinefeld A.,Bubak M., Advances in Grid Computing - EGC 2005. Vol.3470

Teaching High Performance Computing Parallelizing a real Computational Science Application

Aloisio G., Cafaro M., Epicoco I., Quarta G.
2005, In:Sunderam, VS; VanAlbada, GD; Sloot, PMA; Dongarra, JJ, Proceedings of Computational Science – ICCS 2005: 5th International Conference. Vol.3515

A Grid-Based Architecture for Earth Observation Data Access

Aloisio G., Cafaro M., Fiore S., Quarta G.
2005, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2005)

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