TRANSCEND – Transformational and Robust AdaptatioN to water Scarcity and ClimatE chaNge under Deep uncertainty

What we do
TRANSCEND – Transformational and Robust AdaptatioN to water Scarcity and ClimatE chaNge under Deep uncertainty

TRANSCEND is a project funded by HORIZON Innovation Actions whose main area of research is the identification of Transformational Adaptation Policies (TAP) to water scarcity. TAP will be implemented in 7 labs: Júcar River Basin (RB) (Spain); Reno RB (Italy); Tympaki RB (Greece); Nitra RB (Slovakia); Caplina-Mauri-Desaguadero RB (Peru, Chile & Bolivia); Orontes RB (Lebanon, Syria & Turkey); and Mahanadi RB (Indian states of Chhattisgarh & Odisha). TRANSCEND will leverage this diverse set of demonstrators to initiate adoption of the ecosystem of innovation in 8+ inspiration labs, train 160+ transformation agents, and mainstream uncertainty analysis in key national and European Green Deal strategies. This will provide the knowledge and tools to catalyze robust and systemic transformations to water scarcity and climate change globally, with a clear impact pathway towards TAP adoption in 100+ basins by 2030.

48 months from 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2026
Funded by
  • European Commission

Coordinating organization
  • Institute IMDEA Water, Spain

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

General objectives
The objective of TRANSCEND is to identify and catalyze the adoption of Transformational Adaptation Policies (TAP) to water scarcity, including innovative allocation systems and economic instruments, that are robust and adaptable to uncertainty and change, while simultaneously achieving equitable and sustainable economic growth and welfare.

CMCC role 
CMCC will lead the WP1 named NETWORK, Strategic guidance of Knowledge Networks: the main activities foreseen in this WP include the initiation and management of the knowledge networks that will enable stakeholders to contribute to co-creation process. Moreover CMCC will design, facilitate and guide stakeholder engagement and science-policy interactions to stimulate knowledge exchange, peer learning, partnerships, consensus building and adoption of TAP. 

TRANSCEND project is structured in 7 work packages (WP): 
NETWORK, Strategic guidance of Knowledge Networks
CO-CREATION, Co-creation in labs
MODELING, Actionable modeling suite
MONITORING, Monitoring, accounting and scenarios
KNOWLEDGE 4 POLICY, governance, policy and financial mechanisms for TAP adoption and upscaling
EXPLOITATION, dissemination and communication

Expected results
TRANSCEND will apply the ecosystem of innovation to design and implement TAP in 7 living labs facing growing water scarcity. TRANSCEND will leverage this diverse set of demonstrators to initiate adoption of the ecosystem of innovation in 8+ inspiration labs, train 160+ transformation agents on project methods, and mainstream uncertainty analysis in key national and European Green Deal strategies.

CMCC, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC), Italy
Uppsala Universitet (UU), Sweden
Fresh-Thoughts Consulting (FTC), Austria  
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain 
Stiftelsen The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden 
University of Manchester (UoM), United Kingdom 
Agenzia regionale per la prevenzione, l’ambiente e l’energia dell’Emilia Romagna (ARPAE), Italy
Slovenska Agentura Zivotneho Prostredia (SAZP), Slovakia 
Seven Engineering Consultants OE (SEVEN), Greece
American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon
KRITI (KRI), Greece
Slovensky Vodohospodarsky Podnik Statny Podnik (SVP), Slovakia
Institute for resource analysis and policy (IRAP), India (associated)
Arizona State University (ASU), United States (associated)

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