TEACHER-CE intends to integrate and harmonize results of previously or ongoing projects funded within INTERREG CE Program and/or other European initiatives. The main territorial challenge to be addressed concerns the development of effective adaptation processes and prevention of weather-induced risks for water management in Central Europe, where the effects of climate changes can be already clearly observed and, in future years, could have strong impact at territorial level
24 months from 01/03/2020 to 28/02/2022
General aims
The main objective is to develop an integrated toolbox focusing on climate-proof management of water resources, including floods/heavy rain/drought risk prevention, small water retention measures and protection of water resources through sustainable land-use management.
CMCC role
CMCC is a Partner of the project.
CMCC is deeply involved in all the Work Packages. It supports i) the development of a climate-proof suite of tools included in the “Integrated toolbox for climate change adaptation and risk prevention” (CC-ARP-CE) and ii) the use of the Toolbox to effectively and robustly mainstream climate change adaptation in sectoral plans e.g. Flood-, River Basin-, Drought Management Plans and regional/local Spatial Plans.
Specific Activities of the CMCC:
Providing data and information about the expected impacts of climate changes on water reosurces in Central Europe
Carrying on the development of tools built in previous and ongoing funded projects concerning the identification of Best Management Practices for the protection of water resources and the assessment of soil losses induced by water erosion
Supporting the mainstreaming of the climate change adaptation issue in water sectoral and local/regional territorial plans
Expected results:
The main expected results concern a significant improvement in integrated water management capacities of public sector and entities dealing with weather-induced risk prevention, water protection and Climate Change adaptation in Central Europe. It should be achieved through actions on local level and transnational cooperation.
CMCC expected results: CMCC will have the opportunity of carrying on the development and improvement of tools built in previous funded projects: the Decision Support Tool GOWARE (Transnational Guide Towards an Optimal WAter Regime) from PROLINE-CE Project and the web App “Soil Erosion” under development as Demo Case within Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Furthermore, by exploiting its expertise, also the other tools included in the toolbox CC-ARP-CE could properly assess and account for the the potential impacts of Climate Changes in Central Europe area.
Saxon State Office for Environment
INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT Professor Böhm und Partner
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape
Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe
Middle Tisza District Water Directorate
Po River Basin District Authority
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute
Czech University of Life Sciences