SEICA-NENA is a consultant service for FAO for analyzing i) the impact of climate change on labour supply, ii) the income in the agricultural sector in the NENA region; and iii) the effectiveness and the cost of possible adaptation measures in the agricultural sector.
11 months from 01/08/2019 to 30/06/2020
General objectives
SEICA-NENA aims to analyse the impact of climate change on labour supply and income in the agricultural sector in the NENA region; and the effectiveness and the cost of possible adaptation measures in the agricultural sector. Finally, a set of policy recommendations and adaptation measures will be provided with the aim of identifying investment opportunities.
CMCC role
- Estimate climate change impacts on agricultural labour dynamics and agricultural household income
- Estimate projected economic losses due future adverse impact of climate change
- Evaluate the economic costs and effectiveness of adaptation measures taken in agricultural sector
- Identify opportunities for investment in climate change adaptation in agriculture
Expected results
- Climate change impacts on labour dynamics and household income in the NENA region
- Economic losses in the NENA region due to future climate change
- Synthesis report on climate change impacts
- Inventory of adaptation measures and theirs costs in the NENA region