
What we do

MEDEWSA – Mediterranean and pan-European forecast and Early Warning System against natural hazards

Natural hazards, such as extreme weather events, are exacerbated by climate change. As a result, emergency responses are becoming more protracted, expensive, frequent, and stretching limited available resources. This is especially apparent in rapidly warming regions. MedEWSa addresses these challenges by providing novel solutions to ensure timely, precise, and actionable impact and finance forecasting, and early warning systems (EWS) that support the rapid deployment of first responders to vulnerable areas. 

MELTED – MachinE Learning for arcTic ice prEDiction

The Arctic region plays a vital role in the global climate system, it is strongly affected by climate change, and in turn one of its drivers. The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average, transitioning into an entirely different climate than a few decades ago (Legg, 2021). Satellite data reveal that the September sea ice extent declined by ~13% per decade since 1979 causing major changes in the oceanic heat flux. Changes in the Arctic sea ice impact extreme weather and climate events beyond the Arctic region, favouring extreme Northern Hemisphere winters (Kretschmer et al., 2016) or wetter European summers (Screen, 2013). Arctic changes have a substantial socio-economical relevance (e.g. indigenous communities, shipping and tourism, fisheries), as well as a geopolitical dimension, given possible shipping routes and natural resources exploitation. Understanding the causes of these changes is thus of paramount importance yet substantial gaps still exist. Moreover, numerous studies have demonstrated the limitations of current-generation climate models in accurately representing essential aspects of polar climates, such as Arctic sea ice loss (Wang et al., 2016) or water mass changes (Ilicak et al., 2016).

MISSION: MaritIme juSt in time optimiSatION Interoperable Port Call and Voyage Optimization tool

The MISSION project will eliminate bottlenecks of the overall maritime supply chain creating significant economic advantages for direct stakeholders and environmental benefits for society. By enabling collaboration among stakeholders and allowing ship schedules to be synchronised, ship operations and port services will be optimised, thus enhancing the efficiency of maritime operations and reducing the fuel consumption and GHG emissions. The project will demonstrate the benefits and challenges of MISSION specifically for three shipping segments, Tramp (bulk and tanker) RoRo, and container ship traffic, connecting ports in the European seas of Spain, Italy, Greece and Lithuania. MISSION’s port call optimisation and end-to-end orchestration of different traffic types will be built on data sharing platforms, with reference to harmonised standards and provide application programming interfaces for interoperability.

MULTICLIMACT: MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales

The MULTICLIMACT European project was funded under topic HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-01. This project aims to enhance the resilience of built environment and its inhabitants in the face of changing climate conditions and increased extreme events. MULTICLIMACT want to realize a comprehensive framework and toolkit to assess and bolster resilience at various scales, considering both natural hazards and supply-chain vulnerabilities.

NATURANCE – Nature for insurance, and insurance for nature

NATURANCE is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. It will examine technical, financial and operational feasibility and performance of solutions that are built upon and combine disaster risk financing & investments with nature-based solutions. 

NBRACER: Nature Based Solutions for Atlantic Regional Climate Resilience

NBRACER is a project funded by HORIZON Europe Research and Innovation actions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change Mission (HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01). NBRACER aims at accelerating the transformation towards climate resilient regions that are safe, green, clean and healthy by means of an innovative and practical approach, by working across sectors and disciplines, experimenting and involving local communities. 

NECCTON- New Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networks

The ocean’s biodiversity supports the livelihoods of over three billion people, providing vital services, including food and nutrient cycling. However marine policy and resource management do not yet consider the latest scientific advances, even when the state-of- the-art operational models of the European Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) are used. The project’s objective is to enable CMEMS to deliver novel products that inform marine biodiversity conservation and food resources management, by fusing new data into innovative ecosystem models that integrate biological and abiotic components, habitats, and stressors of marine ecosystems. NECCTON will inter-link new models in the CMEMS systems, thus building novel capacities to simulate higher-trophic-levels, benthic habitats, pollutants, and deliver projections of climate change impacts. We will develop and exploit new data-processing chains, supporting CMEMS’ use of novel ecosystem observations, including new hyperspectral data from satellites, as well as available acoustic, pollution and omics data. We will fuse these new data and models by using innovative machine-learning algorithms to improve models and data assimilation methods. These developments will be applied in thirteen case studies, co-designed with fisheries and conservation managers as part of our pathway-to-impact, resulting in the demonstration of Technological Readiness Level 6 of NECCTON products. The project objectives will be achieved by a team of twenty-three world-class organizations with track records for all the key project components. It includes the CMEMS Entrusted Entity and core developers, who will promote the final uptake of NECCTON by CMEMS. On project completion, NECCTON will provide CMEMS with the scientific and technical

NEVERMORE: New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling appRoach towards a climatE neutral and resilient society

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on Climate Change 2021 is a “code red for humanity” according to the UN Secretary-General. It is thus essential to work on a climate resilient society. This entails both climate neutrality and mitigation of those impacts of climate change that are making themselves felt already. The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of improved translations of scientific insights into policy and social practice.

NEWPATHWAYS: New pathways for equitable climate action in line with the paris agreement and sustainable development

NEWPATHWAYS is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme and the consortium consists of 13 partners, and brings together leading research groups to support climate policymaking within and outside the EU. These research groups are involved in modelling international climate policy, national policies, social science, policy analysis, environmental assessment, and stakeholder engagement.

NEXOGENESIS – Facilitating the next generation of effective and intelligent water-related policies utilising artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning to assess the water-energy-food ecosystem (WEFE) nexus

Water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (nexus) dominated by complexity and modulated by climatic and socio-economic drivers. Resource constraints, and their interconnectedness could hamper economic development, including optimal trade, market and policy solutions. NEXOGENESIS offers a coherent WEFE nexus framework for the assessment of potential impact pathways of implementing new policy objectives (WFD, RED, CAP, SDGs, Paris Agreement) in the nexus, including: (i) biophysical and socio-economic modelling; (ii) stakeholder engagement together with; (iii) validation of NEXOGENESIS outputs and; (iv) use of the latest artificial intelligence techniques.

NODES – Nord-Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile

NODES is an Innovation Ecosystem structured in a way such as to guarantee interdisciplinarity among its diverse themes and cross-fertilization of digital-driven technology and innovation.

NUBICOS: New Users for a Better ICOS

The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) is a fully operational European Landmark research infrastructure providing standardised high-precision observations on greenhouse gases and their fluxes. The ICOS infrastructure is currently covering 16 countries with 170 stations. In this project, we will work with new users for ICOS data from satellite and modeling communities and prepare products for policymakers. We are improving sustainability of ICOS by streamlining the data pipelines and strengthening the community engagement including new members. In addition to data, ICOS is producing protocols and processes, which are now needed for the global greenhouse gases (GHG) initiative coordinated by World Meteorological Organization (WMO), thus strengthening the European leadership in it. NUBICOS will focus on four specific objectives: 1. The cooperation between ICOS and the remote sensing community will be deepened. 2. The value chain from observations to climate services will be improved. 3. The internal engagement of ICOS and the identity of the ICOS community will be strengthened. 4. The global cooperation of ICOS, particularly in the WMO framework, will be intensified.

ObsSea4Clim: Ocean observations and indicators for climate and assessments

ObsSea4Clim brings together key European actors within ocean observing science, climate assessment, Earth System modelling, data sharing and standards, with users of oceanographic products and services to deliver an improved observation framework based on Essential Ocean & Climate Variables (EOV/ECVs).

OceanICU – Ocean-ICU Improving Carbon Understanding

The Ocean plays a crucial role in the global C cycle, taking up approximately 25% of the CO2 we emit to the atmosphere, and thus slowing the rate of climate change. The future trajectory of this sink will affect the timing and intensity of the modifications to human processes that we need to undertake in order to stabilise atmospheric CO2 at 450ppm. Our ability to measure and model this sink is limited (evidenced by significant discrepancies between measured and modelled C uptake) with the current frontier area of research being a suite of biological processes related to higher trophic level behaviour within the so called biological C pump. This involvement of higher organisms suggests that human activities (fishing, energy and mineral extraction) has the capacity to affect the ocean C sink however we lack the ability to quantitatively link direct human pressures and ocean C storage. Ocean ICU will measure these key processes and evaluate their overall significance, transferring those that are important into models that inform the IPCC process and in this way contribute to resolving the observed model data mismatch of Ocean C sink estimates. We will use the fundamental knowledge we acquire around biological systems to evaluate the ability of human interventions in the ocean to alter the carbon cycle and produce management tools that allow the tension between resource extraction and C storage to be addressed. This component will involve extensive dialogue with end users and stakeholders and lead to a Decision Support Tool that will

OEMC: Open-Earth-Monitor Cyberinfrastructure

The EU-funded OEMC project will provide the open-Earth-monitor cyberinfrastructure to accelerate Europe’s capability to process high-quality, user-friendly, environmental information, based on Earth observation (EO) data. The developed cyber-infrastructure will be secured in FAIR data principles and existing platforms related to EO will be leveraged to a higher level. This will allow the monitoring of essential biodiversity indicators and the registering of natural capital accounts for private and public sectors, allowing businesses to improve their competitive advantage through the EU Green Deal and European citizens to have a better quality of life.

ORACS: Ocean Reanalysis Algorithms for Climate Studies

This contract will develop improved algorithms to produce long term ocean reanalyses in the presence of varying observational networks. It will be focused on consistency of climate relevant metrics across 2 periods of increasing observational coverage, in the 1950’s and in the 1980s-90s as altimeter observations become available. The role of different atmospheric forcing and riverine inputs will be tested and the ensemble error covariance approaches suitable for both sparse will be developed and more dense observing networks. It will also address the detection of bias in the assimilated results and make recommendations on how best to treat bias under varying observational conditions. Finally new post-processed smoothing methods to more fully use observations and to spread information back to influence more sparsely observed periods will be applied. A set of Recommendations will be made to CMEMS to aid in the production of a climate- consistent long period ocean reanalysis in the final report.

PAUL – Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes – towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases

PAUL project supports the European Green Deal by creating capabilities to observe and verify greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from densely populated urban areas across Europe. Cities are recognized as important anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission hotspots and therefore play a significant role in any emission reduction efforts. The PAUL project aims to increase our understanding of specific needs of GHG emission assessment in urban environment; it compares available and novel observational approaches and implements an integrated concept for a city observatory, providing unique data sets that feed diverse modelling approaches, scientific studies and will be the base of services towards the city administrations.

PEERS – Peer Review of the Disaster Risk Management

The objective of PEERS is to implement, over a period of 58 months (2020-2024) a programme of peer reviews targeting a maximum of five countries wishing to have their disaster risk management/civil protection system reviewed. The programme will allow for peer reviews of a country’s civil protection/disaster risk management system and policies and/or specific aspects/issues of civil protection/disaster risk management put forward by the reviewed country (e.g. with focus on particular types of risks and/or certain geographical areas, risk assessment, risk management capability assessments, legislative framework for disaster risk management, prevention and/or preparedness strategies, etc.). The peer review process will also foster policy dialogue, improve coherence and steer progress in critical areas for the EU cooperation on civil protection and disaster risk management.

PHAROS: Lighthouse for Atlantic and Arctic Basin

PHAROS is an EU-funded project, led by the Canary Islands Ocean Platform (PLOCAN), and implemented by a consortium of 24 organizations, which aims to provide nature-based solutions for restoring ecosystems and biodiversity while tackling climate change and human impacts in the Atlantic and Arctic maritime regions. These goals align with the European Union’s ambitious Ocean Mission objectives. The PHAROS project aligns with the European Union’s Ocean Mission by focusing on protecting and restoring marine ecosystems and biodiversity, eliminating pollution, and achieving a sustainable, carbon-neutral, and circular blue economy by 2030.

PIISA: Piloting Innovative Insurance Solutions for Adaptation

PIISA is a project funded by HORIZON Europe RIA (Research and Innovation Action) aiming to develop and deploy a range of insurance innovations that incite households and firms to adapt proactively and sufficiently for their own sake and their neighborhood’s sake. PIISA incites public authorities to set up adaptation and create adaptation promoting conditions. PIISA co-develops climate resilient insurance portfolios and develops solutions for sharing losses and climate risk data.


The project proposes a multidisciplinary approach involving different national environmental protection system (SNPA) and national health prevention system of environmental and climate risks (SNPS) structures from 5 regions (Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Latium, Apulia and Sicily), as well as national health, weather and air quality scientific experts, communication experts, active citizenship associations with the aim to realize the overall objective of accelerating climate change adaptation and mitigation in urban areas, with a focus on urban green areas and sustainable mobility, and to increase, at the same time, knowledge and awareness and promote a change in citizens’ lifestyles and policies associated with major direct and indirect co-benefits at all levels: citizens, policy makers, schools, SNPA and SNPS operators. Evidence-based measures will be promoted starting from the best practices of national and international plans, policies and interventions with a focus on sustainable transport and combating urban heat island (UHI) and high temperatures. A specific focus will be devoted to vulnerability factors (clinical frailty and social vulnerability) and adaptation measures associated with social equity. 

PNRR-HPC – “SPOKE 4 EARTH & CLIMATE”: National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing

Within Spoke 4, the scientific activity of CMCC, and of the Spoke affiliated partners, will be mainly aimed at developing a shared interdisciplinary framework for advanced Earth System Models and numerical experimentations. The framework will be focused on digital infrastructures and efficient workflows to streamline the production, facilitate the training, accelerate the understanding, and improve the quality of climate simulations and predictions.

PRISMA – Net zero Pathway Research through Integrated Assessment Model Advancements

Introduction The ambition to achieve the Paris Agreement goals has led to the realization that a rapid and full decarbonization of the economy is required, involving a structural transition of the current economy and society. With the rise of quantified policy targets, policy packages, and consideration of multiple dimensions and sectors, Integrated Assessment Models with their ability to consider complex relationships and provide calibrated numerical results have become ever more important in the last decade. The PRISMA project aims to bring these models to the next level by focusing on four key areas of improvement, namely the representation of distributional justice and efficiency, innovation and finance, climate impacts and land-use implications, and lifestyle change and circularity. In these four key areas we will improve existing large-scale IAMs and sectorial models, and consider the linking of different models where applicable. Two cross-cutting shared themes across these areas are the improvement of the temporal and spatial resolution of the analysis, and the representation of disruptive and structural change in the economy. Notably we will increase the spatial granularity with a focus on Europe, and look at the yearly and in particular near term detailed modeling of rapid decarbonization pathways. The extensive model development will be co-designed through an interactive stakeholder engagement process from the beginning, and focus on model openness and usability to ensure the stakeholder and policy relevance. Moreover, PRISMA will focus in its application on the analysis of the spectrum of Fit for 55 package policies of the EU developing focalized

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